Table 2.
Types of expressions of uncertainty produced by uncertainty analysis when following the Uncertainty Analysis GD (EFSA Scientific Committee, 2018a) and included in the conclusion, summary or abstract of a scientific assessment. The same assessment may produce one or more of these expressions
Type of uncertainty expression | Description |
Unqualified conclusion, with no expression of uncertainty | This occurs in two situations:
Description of a source of uncertainty | Verbal description of a source or cause of uncertainty. In some areas of EFSA's work, there are standard terminologies for describing some types of uncertainties, but often descriptions are specific to the assessment in hand (EFSA Scientific Committee, 2018b) |
Qualitative description of the direction and/or magnitude of uncertainty using words or symbols |
Words or an ordinal scale describing how much a source of uncertainty affects the assessment or its conclusion (e.g. low, medium or high uncertainty; conservative, very conservative or non‐conservative; unlikely, likely or very likely; or symbols indicating the direction and magnitude of uncertainty: —, –, ‐, +, ++, +++) Because the meaning of such expressions is ambiguous, EFSA's Uncertainty Analysis GD recommends that they should not be used unless they are accompanied by a quantitative definition (EFSA Scientific Committee, 2018a) |
Inconclusive assessment | This occurs in two situations:
A precise probability |
A single number (in EFSA outputs: a percentage between 0% and 100%) quantifying the likelihood of either:
Note that the term ‘precise’ is used here to refer to how the probability is expressed, as a single number, and does not imply that it is actually known with absolute precision, which is not possible |
An approximate probability |
Any range of probabilities (e.g. 10–20% probability) providing an approximate quantification of likelihood for either:
The probability ranges used in EFSA's approximate probability scale (see Table 4) are examples of approximate probability expressions. Assessors are not restricted to the ranges in the approximate probability scale and should use whatever ranges best reflect their judgement of the uncertainty (EFSA Scientific Committee, 2018a) |
A probability distribution | A graph showing probabilities for different values of an uncertain quantity that has a single true value (e.g. the average exposure for a population). The graph can be plotted in various formats, most commonly a probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF) or complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) (see Section |
A two‐dimensional probability distribution | In this guidance, the term ‘two‐dimensional (or 2D) probability distribution’ refers to a distribution that quantifies the uncertainty of a quantity that is variable, i.e. takes multiple true values (e.g. the exposure of different individuals in a population). This is most often plotted as a CDF or CCDF representing the median estimate of the variability, with confidence or probability intervals quantifying the uncertainty around the CDF or CCDF |