A) The assessment of the nanoscale distribution of the unstructured phosphodomain of Spc105 using FRET. Top: Schematic displays the GFP-insertion positions within Spc105. Middle: Positions of the mCherry tagged kinetochore subunits (Dad4-C and Spc25-C) that demarcate the region that was expected to be occupied by the Spc105 phosphodomain. Bottom: Scatter plots show the proximity ratio (which is proportional to FRET) of donor GFP fused at the indicated residue in Spc105 with Spc25 C-terminus (left) and Dad4 C-terminus (right). (mean+ s.e.m. n = 74, 165, 142, 177 and 103 respectively for FRET involving Spc25-mCherry, accumulated from at least three repeats. n = 114, 134 and 224 for N, 222 and 455 respectively from three repeats for FRET involving Dad4-mCherry, accumulated from at least two repeats). n.s. Not significant. (
B) Flow cytometry-based quantification of the DNA content in cells treated with rapamycin (prior to sample collection at 0 min) to tether the Spc105 phosphodomain anchored to Ask1-2xFkpb12 (which is proximal to the CH-domains) or Ndc80-2xFkbp12 (which is distal from the CH-domains) (schematic shown at the top). Bottom: Representative histogram from two trials for each strain is shown. (
C) Quantification of amount of Spc105 phosphodomain tethered to bioriented kinetochore clusters (mean+ s.e.m. n = 74 and 80 for Ndc80-C, 78 and 76 for Spc24-C, 102 and 173 for Mtw1-C, pooled from at least two experimental replicates). (
D) (Supports in
Figure 4C) Quantification of population growth for the indicated strains in benomyl-containing media (30 µg/ml) (mean ± s.e.m., n = at least 3).