Extended Data Fig. 4. Time-lapse imaging of OPC population dynamics.
a) Overview images of transgenic zebrafish labelling nuclei of OPCs (olig1:nls-mApple) and myelinating oligodendrocytes (mbp:nls-EGFP) at the beginning and end of a timelapse between 3-5 dpf. Dashed boxes indicate the areas shown in panel c (n=3 animals in 2 experiments). Scale bar: 10 μm.
b) Quantification of the fates of OPCs found in neuron-rich areas – detailed breakdown of data shown in Fig 4e.
c) Zoom-ins and false colouring of the timelapse shown in panel a showing potential behaviours of OPCs in neuron-rich areas by either remaining quiescent (red cell), generation of new OPCs in neuron-rich areas (magenta cells), or the generation of new OPCs in axo-dendritic areas (green cells). The insets at first and last timepoint show the absence of myelin markers (mbp:nls-EGFP) in the cells studied (n=3 animals in 2 experiments). Scale bar: 10 μm.