Table 2.
CD-RISC Item Descriptors and Most Closely Matched Items
CD-RISC Item Descriptor | Most Closely Matched Items within the VATSPSUD dataset | Original Scale | CFA Standardized Factor Loading |
Able to adapt to change | There is no way I can solve some of the problems I have.a | PMS | 0.39 |
Can deal with whatever comes | I can do just about anything I set my mind to. | PMS | 0.60 |
See the humorous side of things | I always look on the bright side of things. | LOT | 0.74 |
You can achieve your goals | Whatever happens to me in the future mostly depends on me. | PMS | 0.48 |
Under pressure, focus and think clearly | In the last 30 days how much discomfort have you felt from the following symptom: Trouble concentrating a | SCL-90 | 0.35 |
Not easily discouraged by failure | In uncertain times, I usually expect the best. | LOT | 0.57 |
Think of self as strong person | I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of my life.a | PMS | 0.71 |
Note. CD-RISC = Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, VATSPSUD = Virginia Adult Twin Studies of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders, LOT = Life Orientation Test (Scheier & Carver, 1985), PMS = Pearlin Mastery Scale (Pearlin & Schooler, 1978), SCL-90 = the Symptom Checklist-90 (Derogatis et al., 1973).
Item scores were inversed. Both LOT and PMS questions use a 4-point Likert scale for participants to rate how strongly they agreed with each statement.