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. 2020 Jun 13;62(1):e12133. doi: 10.1002/1348-9585.12133


Effectiveness of Workplace interventions for misuse of opioids and related drugs

Outcomes Studies Study design Results Comments


A. Intervention: employee education
Illicit drug use Brochu 1988 25 Randomized‐controlled trial Self‐reported marijuana or hashish use in the last 12 mo: Intervention 32%, Control 23% (variance = 0.05 and 0.02, respectively), t = 0.24; P > .01 Education did not result in the reduction of illicit drug use. Fair
Carpenter 2007 26 Cross‐sectional Self‐reported marijuana use in the last 30 d: aOR 0.791, SE 0.048, P < .01 21% lower odds of marijuana use. Poor
Cook 2000 28 Randomized‐controlled trials

Self‐reported illicit drug use: Pre‐Intervention:16 using illicit drugs

Post‐test 1:5/16, McNemar test P = .02

Post‐test 2:2/9, McNemar test P = NS

Data only presented for intervention group. Stress management education led to significant reduction in the use of illicit drugs in the short term (1 mo), but not long term (10 mo) Poor
Cook 2004 29 Randomized‐controlled trial Self‐reported illicit drug use in the past 30 d: Intervention 6%, Control 14% (χ 2 = 2.32, P = .128) Education did not result in the reduction of illicit drug use Fair
Miller 2015 39 Cross‐sectional Self‐reported non‐medical prescription drug use in the last 30 d: aOR 0.98; 95% CI 0.85‐1.14, P = .834 No association between education and drug misuse Fair
Patterson 2005 43 Randomized‐controlled trial

Likelihood to use over the counter drug to relax (Likert scale: 1‐5): Mean comparison, pre‐, and post‐intervention: Intervention 1:Pre 2.20, post 2.29; Intervention 2: Pre 2.30, post 2.15; Control: Pre 2.37, Post 2.26

ANOVA, F = 1.92, P > .05

Education did not result in the reduction of illicit drug use Fair
B. Intervention: drug testing
Illicit drug use Carpenter 2007 26 Cross‐sectional

Self‐reported marijuana use in the last 30 d: (AOR 0.697, SE 0.050)

P < .01)

31% lower odds of marijuana use Poor
French 2004 31 Cross‐sectional

Any drug use:

1. Any drug testing: β = −0.31, SE 0.06, P < .01

2. Suspicion‐based: β = −0.35 SE 0.08, P < .01

3. Random: β = −0.38, SE 0.10 P < .01

Lower rate of illicit drug use among employees at worksites with any drug testing, random drug testing or suspicion‐based drug‐testing program Fair
Lee 2011 33 Cross‐sectional

Misuse of prescription pain relievers.

Any drug testing: β = 0.2, SE 0.22 P = NS

No association between drug testing and misuse of prescription pain relievers Poor
Messer 1996 38 Retrospective cohort study

Positive results on drug test:

Non‐random drug test: Year 1 2.6%, Year 2:1.6%, Year 3 1.4%; 1.2% decline in year 3 compared to year 1.

Random drug test: Year 1 2.3%, Year 2:2.1%, Year 3:1.5%, 0.8% decline in Year 3 compared to Year1

Introduction of random drug testing did not lead to a significant decline in positive drug tests compared to non‐random tests Fair
Miller 2015 39 Cross‐sectional Non‐medical prescription drug use in the last 30 d: aOR, 0.92, 95% CI 0.78‐1.07, P = .276 No association between drug testing and drug misuse Fair
Work‐related Injuries Feinauer 1993 30 Retrospective cohort study

OSHA reportable accidents over 5 y:

Any Drug testing: β = −1.220, SE −0.068, t: −0.509, df: 43, P: NS)

Post‐accident drug testing: β = −2.823, SE −0.225, t: −2.792, P < .01)

Reasonable cause drug testing: β = −0.163, SE: −0.014, t: −0.115, P > .05

Post‐accident drug testing was effective in reducing workplace accidents

Any drug test or reasonable cause drug testing did not reduce accident rates

Lockwood 2000 35 Interrupted time series (no control)

OSHA reportable accidents: Pre‐employment drug test vs. pre‐employment + Random drug test.

Pre‐intervention slope = 0.21

Post‐intervention slope = −0.04

Change in slope = t test = −2.70, P < .01

Introduction of random drug testing led to a reduction in OSHA reportable accidents Poor
Marques 2014 37 Retrospective cohort study

Workplace accidents:

Untested employees: 47.0%

Random drug test: 19.4% Adjusted P < .001

Employees randomly selected for drug testing were less likely to have workplace accidents following the test, compared to untested employees Fair
Messer 1996 38 Retrospective cohort study

Mean accidents rates/1 000 000 miles: Random drug test: 1.5%, Non‐random drug test: 1.9%, P = NS

Passenger injury rates/100 000 miles:

Random drug test: 3.9%, non‐random drug test: 5.2%, t (62) = 1.85, P = .045

A change from non‐random to random drug test led to a decline in passenger injuries, but not overall accidents Fair
Ozminkowski 2003 42 Interrupted time series (No control)

Regression odds of a workplace accident:

aOR: −0.5856; P = .0532

Random drug testing led to lower accident rates, but the change was not statistically significant Fair
Schofield 2013 45 Retrospective cohort study

All workplace injuries:

No program versus pre‐employment/post‐accident: RR = 0.85, CI = 0.72‐1.0, P = NS

No program versus pre‐employment/post‐accident/random/suspicion: RR = 0.97 95% CI = 0.86‐1.10), P = NS

Drug testing was not associated with a significant reduction in workplace injuries Fair
Waehrer 2016 50 Cross‐sectional

No work lost injuries: IRR 0.859, SE 0.062, P < .01

Injuries resulting in job loss: IRR 0.92, SE 0.054, P = NS

Drug testing was associated with a reduction in injuries that did not result in loss of work, but not injuries that resulted in work loss Fair
Healthcare Cost Morantz 2008 41 Controlled interrupted time series

Total worker compensation claims:

aOR = −0.123, SE 029, P < .01

Introduction of drug testing led to a significant decline in total worker compensation claims Fair
Ozminkowski 2003 42 Interrupted time series (No control)

Any substance abuse or related expenditure:

aOR = −1.0356, P = .3504

Random drug testing did not lead to a reduction in substance abuse or related expenditure Fair
Productivity Shepard 1998 46 Cross‐sectional

Productivity: Log sales/employee

Any drug testing:regression coefficient: −0.192, SE 0.077, P < .01

Pre‐employment drug test: regression coefficient: −0.16, SE 0.082, P < .05

Random drug test: regression coefficient: −0.285, SE 127, P < .02

Any form of drug testing was associated with a 19% reduction in productivity. Pre‐employment and random drug testing was associated with a 16% and 29% reduction in productivity, respectively Poor
C. Employee Assistant Programs
Illicit drug use Carpenter 2007 26 Cross‐sectional Self‐reported marijuana use in the last 30 d: aOR 1.01, SE 0.064, P > .05 No association between EAP and illicit drug use Poor
Miller 2015 39 Cross‐sectional Self‐reported non‐medical prescription drug use: aOR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72‐1.00, P = .047 EAP was associated with 15% lower non‐medical prescription drug use Fair
Work‐related Accident Castro 2000 27 Historically controlled trial

Number of Accidents:

Mean number of accidents‐ Pre‐EAP: 2.22, SD 1.9

Post‐EAP: 1.0 (SD 1.32) Mean difference; −1.21 (SD 2.49), t‐value = −2.79; P = .009

Introduction of EAP led to a significant reduction in the number of workplace accidents Poor
Waehrer 2016 50 Cross‐sectional

Injuries with no loss of work:

IRR 0.867, SE 0.063, P < .01

Injuries with work loss:

IRR 0.923, SE 0.056, P = NS

EAP was associated with a reduction in injuries that resulted in no loss of work, but not injuries that resulted in work loss Fair
Healthcare Cost Castro 2000 27 Historically controlled trial

Workers compensation claims in dollars:

Pre‐EAP: 6041.17 (SD: 8705.50)

Post‐EAP: 2523.59 (SD: 17 339.19), mean diff: −3517.59 (SD: 3525.04) P = .326

Introduction of EAP did not lead to a reduction in total worker compensation claims Poor
Sweeney 1995 49 Controlled interrupted time series

Mental health/chemical dependency claim/costs: EAP user‐non‐user claims: n = 45 pairs, mean difference = −0.05, P = .7217

EAP user‐non‐user, cost (dollars), mean difference: n = 45 pairs, x = −26.55, P = .515

EAP did not result in a significant change in mental health/chemical dependency claims or costs Fair
Absenteeism Castro 2000 27 Historically controlled trial

Sick leaves hours: pre‐EAP: 177.84,

Post‐EAP: 64.62,

diff: 113.22, SD: 417.757, P = .164

Introduction of EAP did not lead to a significant reduction in absenteeism due to sick leaves Poor
D. Written workplace drug‐free policy
Illicit drug use Carpenter 2007 26 Cross‐sectional Self‐reported marijuana use in the last 30 d: aOR 0.697, SE 0.050, P < .01) Written policy associated with 31% lower self‐reported marijuana use Poor
Lee 2011 33 Cross‐sectional

Misuse of prescription pain relievers.

Any drug testing: β = 0.2 (0.22) P = NS

No association between workplace policy and misuse of prescription pain relievers Poor
Miller 2015 39 Cross‐sectional Self‐reported non‐medical prescription drug use: (AOR 0.85, 95% CI 0.73‐1.00, P = .045) Written policy associated with 15% lower non‐medical prescription drug use Fair
Pidd 2016 44 Cross‐sectional

Use of illicit drugs in the last 12 mo.

AOR, 1.0, 95% CI 0.81‐1.24, P = .98

No association between workplace policy and use of illicit drugs Poor
Work‐related injuries Waehrer 2016 50 Cross‐sectional

No work lost injuries:

IRR 1.066, SE 0.075, p = NS

Injuries with work loss:

IRR 1.043, SE 0.043, P = NS

A written drug‐free workplace policy was not associated with a reduction in workplace injuries Fair
E. Restructuring employee health benefits
Healthcare cost Sturm 2000 48 Retrospective cohort study

Cost of substance abuse care: Fully managed Behavioral Health organization versus cost‐sharing with workplace:

Cost of out‐patient care: regression coefficient = 0.428, P < .01

Cost of in‐patient care: regression coefficient = −0.101, P = NS

The total cost of out‐patient, but not in‐patients care was lower in organizations that fully contracted out management of substance abuse treatment to Managed Behavioral Health Organizations Fair
Healthcare utilization Lo Sasso 2004 34 Retrospective cohort study

Out‐patient visit utilization:

Regression coefficient: −0.069, SE 0.031 P < .05

Inpatient treatment days:

Regression coefficient: −0.016, SE 0.012, P < .0

Increase in co‐payment level was associated with a statistically significant decrease in the number of outpatient and in‐patient treatment visits Fair
Sturm 2000 48 Retrospective cohort study

Access to substance abuse care: Fully managed Behavioral Health organization vs cost sharing with workplace:

Access to care: OR = 1.13, P = NS

No difference in access to care for employees in organizations that fully contracted out management of substance abuse treatment to Managed Behavioral Health Organizations compared to those who did not Fair
F. Combined interventions
Illicit drug use Gómez‐Recasens 2018 32 Non‐randomized single‐arm study (EE + Drug testing)

Illicit drug use, saliva drug test (Drager drug test)

Baseline: 75/1103 (6.8%)

Year 1:65/990 (6.6%); baseline vs Year 1, P = .332

Year 2:47/700(6.7%); baseline vs Year 2, P = .143

Year 3:43/625 (6.9%) baseline vs Year 3, P = .108

Year 1 vs Year 2: P = .039

Year 2 vs Year 3:P = .754,

There was a significant decline in illicit drug use in year 2 compared to year 1, but not at any other time interval Fair
Pidd 2016 44 Cross‐sectional (Written workplace drug‐free policy ± drug testing)

Self‐reported use of illicit drugs in the last 12 mo:

aOR, 0.99, 95% CI 0.72‐1.36, P = .95

No association between workplace policy ± drug testing and use of illicit drugs Poor
Pidd 2016 44 Cross‐sectional (written workplace drug‐free policy + EE or EAP)

Self‐reported use of illicit drugs in the last 12 mo:

aOR, 0.90, 95% CI 0.69‐1.18, P = .46

No association between Written workplace policy + EE or (EAP and the use of illicit drugs Poor
Pidd 2016 44 Cross‐sectional (EE + drug testing + Written workplace drug‐free policy ± EAP)

Self‐reported use of illicit drugs in the last 12 mo.

aOR, 0.72, 95% CI 0.53‐0.98, P = .04

A comprehensive policy was associated with 28% lowers odds of illicit drug use Poor
Work‐related injuries Spicer 2005 47 Controlled Interrupted time‐series analysis (EE + EAP)

Workplace injuries rates:

aRR, 0.9984; 95% CI, 0.9975‐0.9994

The combined intervention led to modest (1%) but significant reduction in workplace injuries Poor
Miller 2007 40 Controlled interrupted time series (EE + EAP + Drug testing)


Injuries avoided: 824‐849, P = .035‐.040

The combined intervention led to significant reduction in workplace injuries Fair
Wickizer 2004 51 Retrospective cohort study (EE + Drug testing + EAP + Supervisor training + Written workplace drug‐free policy)

Injury rates per 100 person‐years

(Intervention‐comparison companies):

Pre‐intervention = 12.13, 95% CI 11.59‐12.67)

During Intervention = 8.80, 95% CI 8.36‐9.23, P < .05),

Post‐Intervention = 7.36 95% CI 6.44‐8.29, P < .05

Organizations that adopted the combined policy experienced a greater decline in workplace injuries (3.3/100 person years) Fair
Lockwood 1998 36 Interrupted time‐series analysis

Workplace accidents:

Slope Pre‐intervention = −0.01

Post‐intervention = −0.01

Change in slope: t(99) = 0.03, P = .976

The combined program did not lead to significant reduction in workplace accidents Fair
Healthcare Cost Lockwood 1998 36 Interrupted time‐series analysis (EE + Drug testing + EAP + Supervisor training + Written workplace drug‐free policy)

Health insurance claims:

Slope Pre‐intervention = 3.04

Post‐intervention = 1.57

Change in slope: t(50) = −0.55, P = .59

The introduction of the combined intervention did not lead to a reduction in health insurance claims Fair

Miller 2007 40

(EE + EAP + drug testing)

Controlled interrupted time series

Injury costs avoided in 1999 (millions of $):

32.7‐33.3, P < .01

The combined intervention led to a reduction in the cost of workplace injuries Fair
Absenteeism Lockwood 1998 36

Interrupted time‐series analysis

( EE + Drug testing + EAP + Supervisor training + Written workplace drug‐free policy)


Slope Pre‐intervention = 1.05

Post‐intervention = −0.94

Change in slope: t(61) = −1.79, P = .08

The combined program did not lead to a significant reduction in absenteeism Fair
Productivity Lockwood 1998 36 interrupted time‐series analysis (EE + Drug testing + EAP + Supervisor training + Written workplace drug‐free policy)


Slope Pre‐intervention = 3.67

Post‐intervention = −3.04

Change in slope: t(102) = −1.06, P = .29

The combined program did not lead to a significant change in productivity Fair

Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; aOR, adjusted odds ratio; aRR, adjusted relative risk; CI, confidence Interval; df, degrees of freedom; EAP, employee assistance program; EE, Employee education; IRR, incidence rate ratio; NS, not statistically significant; OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United; RR, relative risk; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error.