Fig. 1. Experimental setup.
a Schematic depicting the three subsystems in our calorimeter: the fluidic system (shaded in blue) with the syringe pump and reservoir for sample handling, the optical imaging system (green) focused to the center of the capillary tube and the thermal system involving the three shields with weak thermal links (between OS and MS, MS and IS shown in purple) mounted on the microscope stage. b Detailed isometric expanded view of the thermal system showing the assembly of all components. c Illustration of IS assembly (not to scale) showing two capillary tubes, the sensing capillary with a PEEK tubing assembly and the matching capillary, with respective thermistors connected in a Wheatstone bridge configuration to extract differential thermal signal. d Magnified view of the marked area in c, depicting the capillary tube coated with gold on all four sides, except for the central region, where the C. elegans is localized, and instrumented with a thermistor to record the temperature. A borosilicate stopper traps the C. elegans in the center of the sensing capillary tube. A CCD image (marked in magenta dashed line) of a trapped C. elegans during a reference measurement shows the corresponding stopper and Au layer. Images were reproducibly taken every second during the measurement. Scale bar: 100 μm.