Fig. 2.
N-dose–response rates of transcripts mediated by changes in TGA1 levels in planta. (A) A ranking in expression fold change for mRNAs of all plant TFs after 15 min of exposure to N treatment. (B) cis-regulatory analysis identifies overrepresented motifs among the 1,153 N-dose–responsive genes captured by the MM model. (C) Changes in N-dose–dependent transcription rate of PDX1.1 is fit by the MM model in wild type, and Vmax is altered in the 35S::TGA1 and tga1/tga4 lines. (D–F) A histogram of log2 fold changes in Vmax shown for 192 MM-modeled genes up-regulated by N-dose across wild-type and TGA1 genotypes. D compares these changes in Vmax between 35S::TGA1 and wild type; E, between tga1/tga4 and wild type; and F, between 35S::TGA1 and tga1/tga4. A binomial test was used to assess bias toward an increase or decrease in Vmax.