Chicken type II pneumocytes (CP‐II) cellular exosome‐derived gga‐miR‐451 increases inflammatory cytokine production in DF‐1 cells. A, Relative gga‐miR‐451 expression in MG‐HS‐infected CP‐II cells. B, CP‐II cell–derived exosomes were labelled with PKH67 (green), incubated with DF‐1 cells and then observed by confocal microscopy, cell nuclei (blue) and exosomes (green). C, Relative gga‐miR‐451 expression in DF‐1 cells cultured with CP‐II cell–derived exosomes (Exo‐MG or Exo‐NC). 5s RNA was used as the internal control. D‐E, The inflammatory cytokine level of TNF‐α and IL‐1β in DF‐1 cells at 48 h after treatment. Exo‐MG and Exo‐NC represent exosomes isolated from MG‐infected and non‐infected CP‐II cells, separately. A mock transfection was used as the Blank. Data represent three independent experiments and are presented as the means ± SDs (two‐tailed Student's t test, **P < .01, different lowercase letters represent P < .01)