Table 1.
Characteristics of survey respondents
Characteristic | No. | % |
Sex: |
Female |
2061 |
92.7 |
Male |
163 |
7.3 |
Age (in years): |
<20 |
50 |
2.2 |
20-39 |
1080 |
48.6 |
40-59 |
783 |
35.2 |
60 |
311 |
14.0 |
Education: |
No education |
48 |
2.2 |
Elementary |
929 |
41.8 |
Partial high school |
818 |
36.8 |
High school graduate or ALS |
213 |
9.6 |
Partial college or vocational school |
165 |
7.4 |
Complete college or higher |
51 |
2.3 |
Income per person per day (self-reported): |
Less than US$ 1.00 |
1262 |
56.8 |
US$ 1.00-US$ 2.00 |
710 |
32.0 |
Greater than US$ 2.00 |
248 |
11.2 |
Electricity: |
Yes |
1773 |
79.7 |
No |
451 |
20.3 |
Number of mobile phones: |
None |
491 |
22.1 |
One |
1064 |
47.8 |
Two |
480 |
21.6 |
Three or more |
189 |
8.5 |
Television: |
Yes, and it is in working condition |
1084 |
48.7 |
Yes, but it is out of order or not working anymore |
116 |
5.2 |
No |
1024 |
46.0 |
Geotype: |
Coastal |
283 |
12.8 |
Rural |
1725 |
78.1 |
Urban |
200 |
9.1 |
Has national health insurance (PhilHealth): |
Yes |
1391 |
62.6 |
No |
824 |
37.1 |
I don't know | 7 | 0.3 |
ALS – alternative learning system