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. 2020 Jun 1;7(3):ENEURO.0332-19.2020. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0332-19.2020

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Rescue of increase repetitive grooming in Shank3+ mutant mice. A, Shank3 HET– and KO– mice displayed a significant increase in time spent grooming compared with WT– littermate mice. B, KO– mice also display a significant increase in the number of grooming bouts compared with WT mice. C, Genetically rescued Shank3 WT+, HET+, and KO+ mice all displayed similar grooming duration and (D) number of grooming bouts. In the OF test, Shank3– mice all displayed similar duration in the center (E). Additionally, Shank3– mice displayed similar distances traveled in the center and thigmotaxis regions, respectively (F). Shank3+ mice displayed similar duration in the center of the OF (G) and similar distances traveled in the center and thigmotaxis regions (H). In the light dark test, Shank3– mice displayed similar latencies to enter the light side (I). Shank3 HET– mice displayed increase duration in the light chamber compared with KO– mice (J). Additionally, HET– mice displayed a decrease in time spent in the dark chamber compared with KO– mice (J). None of the Shank3+ mice displayed a significant difference in their latency to enter the light side (K). Also, Shank3+ mice displayed similar duration in light chamber and dark chamber, respectively (L). In the elevated plus maze Shank3– mice displayed similar durations in the closed arm and open arm, respectively (M). Shank3+ mice displayed similar duration in closed arms and open arms, respectively (N). In the rearing test Shank3 HET– and KO– mice displayed reduced rearing compared with WT– mice (O). Shank3 HET+ and KO+ mice displayed similar rearing behavior when compared with WT+ mice (P). In the locomotor test KO– mice displayed a significant reduction in beam breaks over a 2-h time period when compared with HET– and WT– mice (Q). Shank3 WT+, HET+ and KO+ mice all displayed similar levels of beam breaks (R). Both Shank3– (S) and Shank3+ (T) mice displayed similar latencies to fall of the rotarod, respectively. Data represented as mean ± SEM; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, n = 24 WT–, n = 16 HET–, n = 20 KO–, n = 24 WT+, n = 19 HET+, n = 16 KO+.