Dynamic changes in PNN density across medial-lateral axis of both naïve and surrogate WT SS1. (A) Distribution of combined PNN density from left and right hemispheres of SS1 revealed an increase of PNN density in lateral sections compared to the medial sections of the same condition. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the combined two most medial regions and the combined two most lateral regions within conditions (grey p value denotes NW: n = 22 images for medial, 28 images for lateral; black p value denotes SW: n = 37 images for medial, 37 images for lateral). This medial-lateral comparison analysis method also applies to all subsequent figure panels. No significant difference in PNN density was found between conditions, represented by the light blue lines. Statistical analysis of the most medial region was a combined of 4 map numbers (NW: n = 40 images; SW: n = 62 images), middle region was a combined of 4 map numbers (NW: n = 32 images; SW: n = 46 images) and most lateral region was a combined of 5 map numbers (NW: n = 52 images; SW: n = 56 images). This sub-regional comparison method also applies to all subsequent figure panels. N = 5-24 images per map number. (B) Analysis of the right hemisphere in NW revealed that lateral sections had significantly higher density than the medial sections (NW-R, black p value; n = 14 images for medial, 15 images for lateral). In the left hemisphere, NW-L did not show any significant difference in medial-lateral axis (grey p value; n = 8 images for medial, 13 images for lateral). Across the subregions in the medial-lateral axis, there was no significant difference between the hemispheres in NW (blue lines; medial-NW: n = 18 images for L, 22 images for R; middle-NW: n = 15 images for L, 18 images for R; lateral-NW: n = 26 images per hemisphere). (C) A different pattern of hemisphere-specific differences was observed in SW. SW-R did not have significant differences between medial and lateral sections, while SW-L did (grey p value denotes SW-L: n = 20 images for medial, 17 images for lateral; black p value denotes SW-R: n = 17 images for medial, 20 images for lateral). While PNN density did not differ between SW-L and SW-R in middle and lateral regions, SW-R exhibited significantly higher PNN density in the medial regions than SW-L (medial-SW: n = 28 images for L, 34 images for R; middle-SW: n = 24 images for L, 22 images for R; lateral-SW: n = 30 images for L, 26 images for R). For A-C, lines represent the mean values. Each dot represents PNN density in an individual section. Mann-Whitney test: *p < 0.05, n.s. = not significant, 5 mice per condition. For B and C, n = 1–13 images per map number.