Figure 5.
Origin of OFC afferents in the early sensory cortex, carrying auditory, visual, and multisensory information. A, Nissil stain of an example brain section including the ACX showing electrode tracks (arrows) for recording locations. Bi, The rms amplitude of LFP responses to A (left) and V (right) for each of the four successive (medial to lateral, ML) recording sites (as in A) with 4 × 4 MEAs in an example mouse, overlaid with mean rms amplitude profile. Bii, Latency profile of the locations in Bi for both auditory (left), visual (right), overlaid with mean latencies. Biii, Mean ML profiles of rms response (left) and latency (right) to A and V averaged across four mice. C, Normalized PSTHs of 147 multisensory single units recorded from regions of ACX and VCX immediately dorsal to A1 (n = 18 mice) shown as rows in grayscale, in response to A, V, and M (upper, middle, and bottom). Mean of the normalized PSTHs with SEM (gray shading) in each case is overlaid. Vertical bar alongside is the length of normalized rate responses (a.u.).