Figure 2.
Selection of heating temperatures increases the magnitudes of fold changes in a simulated PISA assay. Two temperature ranges (a,b, 43–59 °C; c d, 51–55 °C) are presented. (a) Relationship between simulated log2 fold changes and ΔTm when samples incubated at 43– 59 °C are combined. (b) Distribution of log2 fold changes of hypothetical proteins showing |ΔTm| ≥ 2 when samples are incubated at 43–59 °C are combined. (c) Relationship between simulated log2 fold changes and ΔTm when samples incubated at 51–55 °C are combined. (d) Distribution of log2 fold changes of hypothetical proteins showing |ΔTm| ≥ 2 when samples incubated at 51–55 °C are combined. Compared with results in Figure 1c,d where samples incubated at 37–67 °C are combined, results from a narrower temperature range (43–59 °C) show greater magnitudes of fold changes (a,b). A much narrower temperature range (51–55 °C) further increases the magnitudes of fold changes (c,d). ΔTm is the melting temperature shift between treated and control samples. Fold change (FC) is the ratio of integral treated sample versus integral control sample. Dashed boxes highlight hypothetical proteins showing |ΔTm| ≥ 2.