Immunostaining of the microglial Iba1 marker on mammalian cortical tissue sections. Coronal 50-μm-thick sections of the Cx of two marsupial species (D. aurita in A and M. rufogriseus in B), two primate species (O. garnettii in C and A. trivirgatus in D), two afrotherian species (L. africana in E and E. myurus in F), two carnivoran species (M. putorius furo in G and F. catus in H), and two artiodactyl species (A. marsupialis in I and S. scrofa domesticus in J) are shown at 63× magnification with all cell nuclei stained with DAPI (blue) and microglial cells stained for Iba1 (green). Scale bar, 50 μm.