Correlations between quantitative wear measures and subjective macrowear score of maxillary cheek teeth in three tapir species (A) relative loph distance (RLD) and Macrowear score; (B) added relative loph length (aRLL) and Macrowear score; (C) added relative loph width (aRLW) and Macrowear score; White rectangle = P2; White triangle = P3; White circle = P4; Grey diamond = M1; Grey rectangle = M2; Grey triangle = M3. Spearman’s correlations: (A)
T. terrestris: n = 268, R = -0.84, P<0.001; T. bairdii: n = 35, R = -0.92, P<0.001; T. indicus: n = 88, R = -0.86, P<0.001; (B)
T. terrestris: n = 267, R = 0.81, P<0.001; T. bairdii: n = 34, R = 0.92, P<0.001; T. indicus: n = 86, R = 0.76, P<0.001; (C)
T. terrestris: n = 271, R = 0.93, P<0.001; T. bairdii: n = 34, R = 0.93, P<0.001; T. indicus: n = 89, R = 0.92, P<0.001.