Table 1.
Plant species | Family | Vernacular name | Plant part | Traditional medicinal use |
Abutilon pannosum var. figarianum (Webb) Verdc. (syn. Abutilon figarianum Webb.) | Malvaceae | Humbuk, Gargadan | Leaves | Malaria, hepatoprotective, antibacterial (Mohamed et al., 2010) |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (syn. Ambrosia maritima L.) | Asteraceae | Damsissa | Leaves | Malaria, kidney stones, renal colic, hypertension (Mahmoud et al., 1999) |
Anethum graveolens L. | Apiaceae | Shabat, Dill | Fruit, seeds, oil | Colic, carminative, flatulence, and dyspepsia, joint swelling, sedative for babies, lactogenic (Jana and Shekhawat, 2010) |
Annona muricata L. | Annonaceae | Leaves | Antitumor, antiparasitic (Moghadamtousi et al., 2015) | |
Argemone mexicana L. | Papaveraceae | Leaves | Malaria, early-stage trypansomiasis (Chibale et al., 2012) | |
Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. | Aristolochiaceae | Irg el Agrrab, Um Galagil | Root | Malaria, scorpion stings (Suleiman, 2015) |
Azadirachta indica A.Juss. | Meliaceae | Neem | Oil | Malaria, antihelminthic (El-Tahir et al., 1999a) |
Boswellia papyrifera (Caill. ex Delile) Hochst | Burseraceae | Luban | Gum | Cough, respiratory infections (Yagi et al., 2016) |
Cardiospermum halicacabum L. | Sapindaceae | Leaves | Malaria, antiparasitic (Waako et al., 2005) | |
Combretum glutinosum Perr. ex DC. | Combretaceae | Habeil | Seeds | Fever, rheumatism (Traore et al., 2014) |
Combretum hartmannianum Schweinf. | Combretaceae | Wood | Jaundice, diabetes, rheuma, wound healing, anthelminthic (Khalid et al., 2012) | |
Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus (syn. Croton zambesicus Müll.Arg.) | Euphorbiaceae | Um-Geleigla | Fruit | Malaria, hypertension, menstrual pain (Mohamed and Khan, 2009) |
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf | Poaceae | Lemon grass | Leaves | Kidney stones and infections, malaria (Dike et al., 2012) |
Cyperus rotundus L. | Cyperaceae | Rhizome | Fever, stomach disorders, bowel irritation (Kabbashi et al., 2015) | |
Grewia tenax (Forssk.) Fiori | Tiliaceae | Godeim | Fruits | Malaria, iron deficiency (Gebauer et al., 2007) |
Guiera senegalensis J.F.Gmel. | Combretaceae | Gubeish | Leaves | Jaundice, malaria, hyperglycemia (Suleiman, 2015) |
Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) A.Juss. | Rutaceae | Haza | Leaves | Malaria, asthma, kidney diseases, gynecological, and bowel disorders (Ahmed et al., 2010; Khalid et al., 2012) |
Jatropha curcas L. | Euphorbiaceae | Habat El Muluk | Leaves | Malaria (O. Abiodun et al., 2011) |
Lupinus albus subsp. graecus (Boiss. & Spruner) Franco & P.Silva (syn. Lupinus termis Forssk. | Leguminosae | Tormos | Seeds | Paste for eczema and herpes zoster (Antoun and Taha, 1981) |
Moringa oleifera Lam. | Moringaceae | Shagarat al Rawag |
Leaves | Antimicrobial, antipyretic, antihypertensive, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory (Ali et al., 2002; Anwar et al., 2007) |
Nauclea latifolia Sm. | Rubiaceae | Karmadoda | Fruit, root bark | Malaria, abdominal disease, antimicrobial (Benoit-Vical et al., 1998; Alamin et al., 2015) |
Piper cubeba L. f. | Piperaceae | Fruits | Respiratory and intestinal disorders, nephroprotective, anticancer, antimicrobial (Salehi et al., 2019) | |
Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz | Leguminosae | Miskeet | Leaves | Antiinflammatory, analgesic (Abodola et al., 2015) |
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link (syn. Cassia occidentalis L.) | Leguminosae | Soreib | Aerial part | Malaria, jaundice (Suleiman, 2015) |
Striga hermonthica (Delile) Benth. | Orobanchaceae | Al-buda | Stem | Malaria (Okpako and Ajaiyeoba, 2004) |
Tephrosia apollinea (Delile) DC |
Leguminosae | Dhawasi; Dhafra | Leaves | Antiangiogenic, antioxidant antiproliferative, anticancer (Hassan et al., 2014) |
Terminalia laxiflora Engl. | Combretaceae | Darout | Bark | Fever and respiratory infections (Salih et al., 2018) |
Terminalia leiocarpa (DC.) Baill. (syn. Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. & Perr.) | Combretaceae | Sahab | Bark | Cough, dysentry, giardiasis (Musa et al., n.d.) |
Typha angustifolia L. | Typhaceae | Si’da | Stem | Leprosy wound bleeding, diarrhoea, anthelminthic, diuretic (Varpe et al., 2012) |
Vachellia nilotica (L.) P.J.H.Hurter & Mabb. (syn. Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile) | Fabaceae | Sunt | Leaves | Malaria (El-Tahir et al., 1999b), respiratory infections, diarrhoea, haemorrhage (Clarkson et al., 2004) |
Xanthium strumarium subsp. brasilicum (Vell.) O.Bolòs & Vigo (syn. Xanthium brasilicum Vell.) | Compositae | Leaves | Malaria (Chandel et al., 2012) | |
Tinospora bakis (A.Rich.) Miers | Menispermaceae | Irg alhagar | Root | Fever, diarrhoea, abdominal pain (Ahmed et al., 2010) |
Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. | Rhamnaceae | Sidir | Leaves | Fever, spasmolytic, and anti- diarrhea (Khalid et al., 2012) |