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. 2019 Nov 10;20(2):140–150. doi: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2019.07.005

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants.

Gay people (n = 910)
Heterosexual people (n = 910)
Men (n = 505)
Women (n = 405)
Men (n = 505)
Women (n = 405)
Rank M (SD) Rank M (SD) t/χ2 Rank M (SD) Rank M (SD) t / χ2
Age (years) 18–62 31.11 (9.43) 18–63 28.75 (8.55) 3.94*** 18–74 34.67 (12.26) 18–65 30.64 (11.16) 5.18***

M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
First sexual relation (years) 17.14 (3.99) 17.23 (2.98) −0.34 17.73 (2.81) 17.89 (2.94) −1.07
Duration of relationship with current partner (months) 58.71 (67.55) 47.41 (52.43) 2.84** 158.10 (137.65) 136.73 (121.56) 2.60**

Me M (SD) Me M (SD) Me M (SD) Me M (SD)
Number of sexual partners 10 39.18 (82.97) 5 7.46 (9.43) 8.30*** 4 6.10 (9.89) 2 3.52 (4.19) 5.17***

n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

 Spanish 318 (63) 275 (67.90) 2.41 505 (100) 405 (100)
 Other Hispanic countries 187 (37) 130 (32.10) 0 0

Education level
 Primary Education 7 (1.40) 8 (2) 0.66 68 (3.50) 31 (7.70) 29.71***
 Secondary Education 107 (21.20) 90 (22.20) 188 (37.20) 102 (25.20)
 University Degree 391 (77.40) 307 (75.80) 249 (49.30) 272 (67.20)
Exclusive Relationship

 Yes 418 (82.80) 387 (95.60) 35.99*** 494 (97.80) 387 (95.60) 3.74
 No 87 (17.20) 18 (4.40) 11 (2.20) 18 (4.40)

Cohabit with your current partner
 Yes 285 (56.40) 212 (52.30) 1.57 275 (54.50) 187 (46.20) 6.17*
 No 220 (43.60) 193 (47.70) 230 (45.50) 218 (53.80)

Note. M: mean; SD: standard deviation; Me: median.


p < .05.


p <  .01.


p <  .001.