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. 2020 May 27;2020:1098109. doi: 10.1155/2020/1098109

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of HIV healthcare providers.

Characteristics (n = 6) Mean (SD) or n (%)
Age, yrs 48 (14)

 Female 4 (66.6%)

Race and ethnicity
 Asian 3 (50%)
 Caucasian/white 1 (16.7%)
 Hispanic/Latino 1 (16.7%)
 Mixed race 1 (16.7%)

 Years of work experience 17 (12.5)

 Nurse practitioner 4 (66.6%)
 Physician 1 (16.6%)
 Resident 1 (16.6%)

 Number of HIV + patients seen per week 17 (8.2)

Patients' main source of HIV infection
 MSM 5 (83.3%)
 Heterosexual sex 1 (16.6%)

Number of patients using DMP
 0 1 (16.6%)
 1–5 4 (66.6%
 >5 1 (16.6%)

SD, standard deviation; MSM, men who have sex with men; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; DMP, digital medicine program.