(A) Solvent PTX control
data for PTX formulations. Displayed is
the calculated percent release for the solvent PTX control data. (mean
± SD, N = 3). (B) PTX vs PTX_C13 tracer percent
binding correlation. Displayed is the percent binding correlation
for PTX vs PTX_C13 tracer for the solvent PTX control study, with
the dotted line showing the linear regression. (C) Abraxane, Genexol-PM,
and Taxol (generic) drug release comparison. Displayed are the 10
min–2 h calculated percent release data for the Abraxane, Genexol-PM,
and Taxol (generic). (mean ± SD, N = 3); *p ≤ 0.05, ANOVA, with Tukey’s posthoc test;
1,2 designates significantly different from Abraxane and Genexol-PM,
respectively. (D) Abraxane, Genexol-PM, and Taxol (generic) percent
unbound drug fraction vs concentration comparison. Displayed are the
calculated percent unbound fraction vs concentration for Abraxane,
Genexol-PM, and Taxol (generic), and linear regression fitting to
the data points.