FPT increases social approach behavior.
Shown are the number of
social approaches in an open-field from paired wild-type (WT) or Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice, one treated with vehicle (Veh)
and the other FPT. (a) Vehicle-treated KO mice tended to exhibit fewer
social approaches than vehicle-treated WT mice. FPT significantly
increased social interactions in WT mice, relative to vehicle, and
increased social interactions in KO mice, normalizing social approaches
to vehicle-treated WT levels. (b) Data from (a) unmasked to show social
approach results of the individual pairs of mice. These data show
that each FPT-treated wild-type mouse exhibited more social approaches
than its vehicle-treated pair, and 7 of 9 FPT-treated Fmr1 knockout mice exhibited more social approaches than their vehicle-treated