Illustrations of consequences of the correlation between RBC area (A) and volume (V). (A) Coefficient of variation of RBC reduced volume (CVv) in dependence on the correlation coefficient ρA,V obtained for the values of coefficients of variations of RBC volume and membrane area to be 0.12 and 0.13, respectively (reprinted with permission from Svetina et al., 2019). CVv at ρA,V = 0.96 is about 0.06. (B) Evidence for the role of Piezo1 based regulation of RBC volume on the mouse RBC V – A correlation. Cahalan et al. (2015) measured osmotic fragility of normal (WT) and of Piezo1 knocked out (Vav1-PicKO) mouse RBC in the absence (+Veh) and presence (+A23187) of Ca2+ ionophore A23187 (reprinted with permission from Svetina et al., 2019). In Figure 5 of Svetina et al. (2019) we added to Figure 3D of Cahalan et al. (2015) the column of the corresponding coefficients of variation (CVh) obtained from steepness of osmotic fragility curves as indicated by red dashed lines.