Provide all exempted health services free of charge |
90.8 |
93.0 |
94.4 |
96.0 |
97.1 |
Provide health care services to CBHI beneficiaries |
72.5 |
78.4 |
77.7 |
79.5 |
90.6 |
Access to roads |
94.2 |
95.1 |
95.4 |
96.9 |
98.1 |
Has at least one ambulance |
24.0 |
26.2 |
29.7 |
32.1 |
36.2 |
Access |
62.4 |
66.0 |
68.6 |
69.1 |
78.1 |
Trained staff use chart booklets while providing services |
74.4 |
78.2 |
81.8 |
90.2 |
84.2 |
Delivery partograph is used correctly |
64.4 |
73.2 |
76.2 |
79.3 |
83.0 |
Under-five children classified correctly |
65.9 |
66.8 |
71.4 |
77.8 |
82.4 |
Under-five children treated correctly |
59.3 |
61.3 |
65.5 |
72.5 |
79.4 |
Patient centered care |
49.4 |
63.8 |
71.3 |
77.4 |
79.8 |
Reviewed and reported EHCRIG chapters in the most recent quarter |
65.4 |
81.0 |
91.7 |
89.8 |
97.1 |
Followed IPLS standards to ensure uninterrupted supply chain |
68.5 |
75.8 |
81.3 |
89.0 |
92.4 |
Used HMIS data for planning and decision making |
70.3 |
74.0 |
82.5 |
86.5 |
88.6 |
Used LQAS for data accuracy check |
69.1 |
71.8 |
77.7 |
85.1 |
86.4 |
HC Director trained on Leadership, Management and Governance (LMG) |
19.0 |
22.0 |
26.2 |
34.0 |
42.3 |
Established case review/audit system for maternal and newborn death |
41.4 |
47.9 |
51.9 |
55.9 |
70.3 |
Have an EPI defaulter tracing mechanism |
65.8 |
73.2 |
76.0 |
82.9 |
82.4 |
Established a QI team and assigned a focal person for QA/QI |
46.0 |
49.3 |
56.4 |
62.0 |
54.3 |
Service organization and management |
53.6 |
58.2 |
65.1 |
68.9 |
75.0 |
All expected FP methods are available in all days in the past one month |
60.7 |
63.9 |
68.1 |
75.5 |
71.8 |
PPFP service is available in delivery room |
34.3 |
45.8 |
49.8 |
58.7 |
65.4 |
Provided all BEmONC signal functions |
57.8 |
68.9 |
74.9 |
82.4 |
86.1 |
Provided women friendly delivery services |
78.2 |
85.8 |
90.0 |
92.8 |
94.0 |
Provided ferrous sulfate for pregnant women during ANC |
87.0 |
92.0 |
92.0 |
95.3 |
92.6 |
Functional maternity waiting room/home |
73.0 |
71.7 |
73.6 |
81.2 |
73.1 |
ANC clients tested for syphilis |
53.1 |
61.8 |
69.5 |
68.2 |
67.7 |
Mothers received Uterotonics in the third stage of labor or immediately after birth |
73.8 |
82.4 |
89.5 |
92.2 |
88.8 |
Newborns received newborn care |
67.5 |
68.9 |
75.0 |
84.2 |
84.3 |
Newborns with neonatal sepsis received treatment |
70.5 |
76.8 |
73.8 |
86.7 |
75.0 |
Asphyxiated newborns resuscitated |
89.7 |
94.9 |
97.0 |
96.3 |
97.5 |
Service availability |
51.4 |
59.5 |
63.9 |
69.0 |
67.9 |
Exercise community feedback collecting mechanisms/town hall meetings |
31.6 |
33.7 |
38.8 |
40.1 |
47.1 |
Have a social behavior change communication plan |
35.8 |
35.1 |
42.8 |
48.0 |
44.1 |
Work together with kebele administration |
73.1 |
70.8 |
72.7 |
80.5 |
79.6 |
Population health management |
39.4 |
41.8 |
47.0 |
52.0 |
51.7 |
Service-Delivery |
49.9 |
55.7 |
61.3 |
64.4 |
69.0 |