Fig. 4. Molar gas compositions for UAS overflight on 07/06/18.
Molar gas composition data for an UAS overflight on 07/06/18 during passive degassing from the central vent area (C), showing gas concentration timeseries for a SO2 and CO2, b SO2 and H2O and c, d the corresponding scatterplots, showing the least squares regression and 95% confidence intervals. Excess refers to the concentration of the gas species of interest above background, which was determined from clean air measurements made outside of the plume where SO2 = 0. Gas molar ratios correspond to the gradient of the regression line shown. The flight path comprised horizontal transects through the plume around 20 m downwind of the vent. Each peak indicates passage through the plume, with troughs indicating positions outside of the plume (e.g. where SO2 values = 0).