Table 2.
The Empower Action Model Protective Factors and Actions
Protective Factor | Individual Child | Interpersonal Family | Organizations | Community | Public Policy |
Build resilience through learning skills needed to manage stress and nurture children | Possess inner strength to positively meet challenges and overcome adversity | Manage stress and buffer its’ effects on family during tough times | Establish a system that values individual contributions, perspectives, differences, and strengths | Demonstrate that individuals are valued, honored, and supported by the community | Advocate for policies that build resilience including policies that create positive environments and provide services for health and well-being |
Create positive environments for social and emotional well-being | Manage emotions, and relate positively to others | Foster children’s social-emotional development | Create an environment that values the importance of positive environments for social-emotional well-being | Understand the importance of positive environments for children and their social-emotional well-being | Adopt policies that promote safe, stable, and nurturing environments |
Grow positive outcomes by promoting individual development | Understand personal growth and development | Engage in developmentally appropriate interactions with children | Assess individual contexts, development, and needs when setting expectations and career planning or training | Demonstrate importance of community involvement in individual health and well-being through the development of programs focused on prevention | Promote the notion that we are all responsible for the health and well-being of children through policies and programs that promote healthy development |
Share resources that allow individuals and families to meet their basic needs | Identify, find, and receive support to meet basic needs | Have skills and tools to identify needs and connect to supports that strengthen your family | Create an atmosphere where employees can access resources in times of need and for self-care | Provide information and connection to services in the community to promote resilience | Promote policies that create access to resources for all |
Support individuals and families through positive relationships | Engage with trusting, caring relationships with competent adults | Build mutual trust and support with children | Foster positive relationships within the organization and promote engagement with family and community | Promote opportunities that build healthy relationships and support for parents while empowering parents to be leaders and decision makers | Fund and endorse policies and programs that provide individuals and families with connection and support within their communities |
Race equity and inclusion tenets | Individuals have positive cultural identity by honoring family history, race, and ethnicity | Organizational policies and practices are racially and culturally inclusive and recognize the importance of diversity in workforce and leadership | Community efforts eliminate messages that reinforce “otherness” of health outcomes while creating programs that are culturally competent and promote equity | Policy efforts work to dismantle systemic racial inequity |