Fig. 4.
DMN connectivity profiles in healthy subjects and malignant glioma patients, as well as in subgroups of glioma patients. The significance levels of a mixed, repeated measures ANOVA for the overall DMN connectivity (DMN level) and the interaction between the analyzed factor and the connectivity of the different nodes (DMN pattern) are shown. A marked, significant variation of the DMN pattern was observed, depending on the location of the tumor lesion. Numbering of DMN nodes: 1/2 left/right mPFC, 3/4 left/right orbitofrontal cortex, 5/6 left/right PCC, 7/8 left/right inferior parietal lobule, 9/10 left/right lateral temporal cortex, 11/12 left/right hippocampus/parahippocampal cortex. RT: Radiotherapy, CTx: Chemotherapy. ISCED: International Standard Classification of Education, *p < 0.05 in post-hoc test (Mann-Whitney U) performed separately for each DMN node.