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. 2020 Jun 16;20:545. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05393-1

Table 6.

Quality of Treatment for Diarrhea & ARI, among Infants/ Children 2-59 m

Medicine shops (%) Physician-run Clinics (%)
Proximity to hospital (in minutes) < 30 min 30–60 min >60 min All
 Dispense or refer only 57 2 5 64
 Assess & treat n = 222 n = 112 n = 103 n = 437 n = 86
 ORS most/ all cases 93 89 88 91 98
 Zinc most/ all cases 69 61 67 66 90
 No antibiotics for non-bloody diarrhea 25 23 22 24 30
Antibiotics for bloody diarrhea:
  Ciprofloxacin or other quinolone 19 40 32 32 18††
  Metronidazole 26 28 29 27 31
  A cephalosporin antibiotic 16 11 11 14 38
  Cotrimoxozole 22 18 23 21 11
Acute Respiratory Infection
 Dispense/ refer only 59 5 6 70
 Assess & treat n = 220 n = 109 n = 102 n = 431 n = 86
 Antibiotic based on respiratory rate 97 99 98 98 98
Specific antibiotics used:
  Amoxicillin +/− clavulanate 70 68 70 69 65
  Cefixime 17 23 16 18 12
  Other cephalosporin 3 4 2 3 9
  Cotrimoxazole 8 5 8 7 2
  Azithromicin 0 0 0 0 7
  Other 3 1 5 3 5

Note that due to rounding, in some instances totals may not sum to exactly 100%

p-value on difference between medicine shops and clinics < 0.001

†† p-value on difference between medicine shops and clinics < 0.05