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. 2020 Jun 17;21:540. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04457-1

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of study participants

Intervention arm Control arm
ICU characteristics
 Number of hospital beds, central tendency (dispersion), n xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
 Number of ICU beds, central tendency (dispersion), n xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
 Number of ICU beds/hospital beds, central tendency (dispersion), n xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
 Type of ICU
  Surgical, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Medical, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Mixed, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Hospital type
  Public, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Private, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Teaching activity, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Transplant centre, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Number of brain death notifications per year,a central tendency (dispersion), [n] xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
Participant characteristics
 Age in years, central tendency (dispersion), [n] xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
 Age > 60 years, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Female sex, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Male sex, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 SAPS 3 score at ICU admission, central tendency (dispersion), [n] xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
  Diabetes mellitus, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Hypertension, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Dialytic renal failure, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Chronic respiratory disease, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Heart failure, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Chronic liver disease, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 Cause of brain injury
  Trauma, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Stroke, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Anoxia, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
  Other, n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
 SOFA score at enrolment, central tendency (dispersion), [n] xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)
 Use of antimicrobial medication,b n/total (%) xx/xx (xx.x) xx/xx (xx.x)
Length of hospital stay in days before brain death diagnosis, central tendency (dispersion), [n] xx.x (xx.x) xx.x (xx.x)

SAPS Simplified Acute Physiology Score, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment

Chronic liver disease is defined as biopsy-proven cirrhosis or proven portal hypertension or previous history of hepatic insufficiency, encephalopathy, or coma. Chronic respiratory disease is defined as restrictive, obstructive, or vascular disease severe enough to limit performance of the activities of daily living or chronic hypoxia, hypercapnia, polycythaemia, pulmonary hypertension, or ventilator dependence

a Number of brain death notifications per year considers the percentage of brain-dead potential organ donors clinically managed in the intensive care unit

bIdentified at the time of first clinical examination