Table 4. Summary of model outputs for AFL Player Ranking.
Model | Df | logLik | BIC | Deviance | Adj-R2 |
Null | 1 | -2622.79 | 5258.23 | 383522.20 | 0.00 |
Draft combine | 12 | -2118.07 | 4315.53 | 328979.43 | 0.03 |
*Draft combine + Draft selection order | 13 | -2020.63 | 4126.05 | 322287.11 | 0.03 |
Draft combine + Draft selection order + Playing position | 21 | -2009.60 | 4152.44 | 306058.42 | 0.06 |
The Asterix denotes the best fitting model base on the lowest BIC value.