(A) Top demixed principal components (dPCs) from each functional neuronal cluster. Population activity from each cluster was projected onto individual dPCs and averaged over trials (lines and shaded bands: mean ± 1.96 SEM). Explained variance for each dPC is given at the top right of each panel. Horizontal black bars on x-axis mark timepoints when correct versus incorrect trials can be reliably decoded (see STAR Methods). Pre-motor decision-dependent signal (in which the time of decoding precedes and lasts until turn initiation time) is observed from dPC2 of Cluster 4, the ipsi Cb and ARTR. Post-turn decoding is reliably possible from the dPC2 of all functional clusters, but only Cluster 4 allows for reliable pre-motor decoding. Time series were processed for co-alignment from heat onset to turn initiation, i.e. the decision time (see STAR Methods).
(B) Ipsilateral cerebellum and ARTR display strong pre-motor ramping activity in correct trials that emerges through training.
(i) & (ii). Pre-motor activity of individual neurons in ipsi Cb and ARTR averaged over correct or incorrect trials. Neurons in both panels are sorted according to onset timing of pre-motor activity during correct trials. Red dashed lines, heat onset; black dashed lines, turn initiation.
(iii). Anatomical locations of ipsilateral neurons color-coded according to the onset time of their pre-motor activity. Onset time of activity increases from anterior (Cb) to posterior (ARTR) in the ipsilateral hindbrain. Background: anatomical reference. Scale bar: 50 μm.
(iv). Pre-motor activity, averaged from individual neurons, significantly increases with training. Each dot represents pre-motor activity from a single trial. Trials are combined across 7 datasets. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, two-tailed Wilcoxon rank sum test.
(C) Contralateral cerebellum and ARTR show little pre-motor activity.
(i) & (ii). Pre-motor neuroactivity of individual neurons in contra Cb and ARTR averaged over correct or incorrect trials. Neurons in both panels are sorted according to the onset time of pre-motor activity during correct trials.
(iii). Anatomical distribution of contralateral neurons, which are color-coded according to the onset time of their pre-motor activity. Onset time of activity increases from posterior (ARTR) to anterior (Cb) in the contralateral hindbrain. Background: anatomical reference. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(iv). Preparatory activity, averaged from individual neurons, shows no significant change as training progresses. Each dot represents pre-motor activity from one trial. Trials are combined across the same animals as in B. Two-tailed Wilcoxon rank sum test.