Fig. 5. siRNA kinome knockdown identified several kinases associated with palbociclib resistance.
a siKinome identified targets involved in palbociclib resistance (PalboR) (n = 2 biological and n = 3 technical replicates). b Effect of escalating doses of pictilisib (PI3K inhibitor), everolimus (mTORC1 inhibitor), AZD1775 (WEE1 inhibitor) and THZ1 (CDK7 inhibitor) in MCF7PalboR, MCF7 LTEDPalboR, T47DPalboR and T47D LTEDPalboR versus their corresponding parental cell lines (n = 3 biological and n = 8 technical replicates). Data represents % viable cells compared with vehicle control for each cell line. Error bars represent means ± SEM.