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. 2020 Jun 17;11:3072. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16881-7

Fig. 2. Responses of microbial alpha diversity across microbial groups and biomes.

Fig. 2

a Response ratio (RR) of richness across microbial groups. b RR of Shannon index across microbial groups. c RR of richness across biomes. d RR of Shannon index across biomes. Weighted means and their 95% confidence intervals of RRs are given. The numbers at the top of the confidence intervals represent the sample sizes. The significances of microbial groups and biome types are tested by the omnibus test (QM). W warming, eCO2 carbon-dioxide enrichment, PPT− decreased precipitation, PPT+ increased precipitation, P phosphorous addition, N nitrogen addition, LUC land-use change, W × eCO2 warming plus carbon-dioxide enrichment, N × PPT+ nitrogen addition plus increased precipitation, N × P nitrogen plus phosphorous addition, N × P × K nitrogen plus phosphorous plus potassium addition. Tem/Bor temperate/boreal. Tro/Sub tropical/subtropical. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.