Figure 2.
Microarchitecture of clinical samples. Regions of interest (ROIs) from the crypt and submucosal compartments of clinical samples of varying grade (n > 10 ROIs from n = 4 individual samples for each condition), as indicated, were PRS stained and imaged under polarized light (a,c). Fiber architecture was analyzed with segmentation software (CT-FIRE) to generate distributions of fiber angle, width, and length (b,d). Graphs of fiber hue represent mean + s.e.m. of experiments performed in triplicate (three imaging fields from each patient). Graphs of fiber angle, length, and width are box and whisker plots with Tukey formatting of pooled fibers from four regions of interest from each patient, representing 500–4000 fibers in total; individually drawn points lie beyond 1.5 * inter-quartile range of the plot.