Figure 1.
Selective His bundle pacing (HBP) and left bundle branch pacing (LBBP) during the procedure. A: Intrinsic rhythm with QRS duration (QRSd) of 168 ms; His potential (black star) recorded with HV interval of 78 ms. B: Selective HBP at threshold of 1 V / 0.5 ms with QRSd equal to 168 ms. C: Selective HBP at left bundle branch block (LBBB) correction threshold of 3 V / 0.5 ms with QRSd equal to 106 ms. D: LBBP at different output with constant left ventricular peak activation time and QRSd (D1: LBBP at threshold of 0.6 V / 0.5 ms; D2: LBBP at 5 V / 0.5 ms). E, F: Fluoroscopy image showed the final position of HBP lead and LBBP lead. LAO = left anterior oblique; RAO = right anterior oblique.