FAM225A acts as a sponge of miR‐613 and is negatively correlated with miR‐613. A, Subcellular fractionation assay was utilized to detect FAM225A location in CRC cells. B and C, qRT‐PCR analysis detected miRNA expressions under the circumstance of interfering or increasing FAM225A. D, qRT‐PCR analysis of miR‐613 expression in cancer tissues and normal tissues. E, The binding sequence of miR‐613 and FAM225A was obtained from starBase website. F, Luciferase reporter assay was to proof the interaction relationship between miR‐613 and FAM225A. G, The inverse correlation of miR‐613 and FAM225A was revealed from Pearson correlation analysis. Results were shown as the mean ± SD. **P < .01, ***P < .001