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. 2020 Apr 23;9(12):4467–4473. doi: 10.1002/cam4.3069


Baseline characteristics of all NC‐ProCESS participants (N = 1016)

Characteristics N (%) or Mean (SD)
Age, y (mean and SD) 64.60 (7.47)
Race a
White 747 (73.67)
African American 247 (24.36)
Other 20 (1.98)
Educational attainment
≤High School graduate 316 (31.10)
Some College 294 (28.94)
College graduate 406 (39.96)
Marital status b
Never married 37 (3.64)
Married 819 (80.61)
Other 159 (15.66)
Annual income c
<$40 000 351 (35.70)
$40 001‐$70 000 284 (28.89)
$70 001 $90 000 131 (13.33)
>$90,000 217 (22.08)
Employment status
Employed 435 (42.82)
Unemployed 30 (2.95)
Retired 480 (47.24)
Disabled, not working 71 (6.99)
Health insurance status d
Insured 982 (96.94)
Uninsured 31 (3.06)
NCCN risk categories
Low risk 493 (49.20)
Intermediate risk 315 (37.43)
High risk 134 (13.37)
Prostate cancer treatment type
Active surveillance/no treatment 280 (27.56)
Radiation therapy 378 (31.00)
Radical prostatectomy 421 (41.44)
SF‐12 mental component score (mean & SD) e 54.29 (8.18)
SF‐12 physical component score (mean & SD) e 48.71 (9.67)

Abbreviations: MAX‐PC, memorial anxiety scale for prostate cancer; NCCN, National Comprehensive Cancer Network; PSA, prostate cancer antigen; RP, radical prostatectomy; RT, radiation therapy; SD, standard deviation.


2 missing.


1 missing.


33 missing.


3 missing.


8 missing.