Skin changes due to personal protective equipments (PPE) |
Folliculitis, pruritus, contact dermatitis, pressure urticaria, and contact urticaria (due to cap)
Friction and occlusion induced dermatitis, contact dermatitis, pressure urticaria, and contact urticaria (due to goggles and face shields)
The surgical mask (including N95 mask) leads to erythema, papules, pustules, acneiform eruptions, acne mechanica, pigmentation, and purpuric changes along the line of attachment of the mask, urticarial eruptions and contact dermatitis to metals, formaldehydes, and other preservatives
The gowns and coveralls lead to severe perspiration leading to miliaria, contact dermatitis to textile dyes, maceration, and intertrigo itching and stinging.
Gloves are mostly responsible for causing desquamation, erythema, allergic contact dermatitis to rubber accelerators and miliaria, pompholyx due to prolonged occlusion
Boots often lead to contact dermatitis due to metals, maceratons, erosions and secondary fungal infections, and pompholyx
Exacerbation of preexisting skin disorders |
Acne vulgaris, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis (rare), intertrigo, and dermatophytosis |