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. 2020 Jun 26;35(7):1089–1093. doi: 10.1002/mds.28176


Clinical features of COVID‐19 among affected PD and non‐PD controls (family members)

PD With COVID‐19 (N = 105) Controls With COVID‐19 (N = 92) P Value* Age‐Adjusted OR [95% CI]** P Value**
Clinical features Total reported symptoms 3.4 ± 1.8 3.5 ± 1.8 0.70
Fever 74 (70.5%) 67 (72.8%) 0.75 0.85 [0.45–1.61] 0.61
Cough 62 (59.0%) 55 (59.8%) 1.00 0.91 [0.50–1.63] 0.74
Shortness of breath 17 (16.2%) 26 (28.3%) 0.06 0.33 [0.15–0.70] 0.004
Nasal congestion 44 (41.9%) 35 (38.0%) 0.66 1.39 [0.76–2.52] 0.29
Olfactory dysfunction 17 (16.2%) 17 (18.5%) 0.71 0.78 [0.36–1.67] 0.52
Gustatory dysfunction 19 (18.1%) 16 (17.4%) 1.00 1.08 [0.51–2.30] 0.84
Nausea or vomiting 15 (14.3%) 15 (16.3%) 0.70 1.05 [0.47–2.35] 0.91
Diarrhea 28 (26.7%) 20 (21.7%) 0.74 1.58 [0.80–3.14] 0.19
Myalgia or arthralgia 35 (33.3%) 30 (32.6%) 1.00 1.14 [0.62–2.11] 0.67
Fatigue 40 (38.1%) 31 (33.7%) 0.55 1.31 [0.71–2.38] 0.39
Conjunctivitis 10 (9.5%) 7 (7.6%) 0.80 1.18 [0.42–3.32] 0.75
Pattern of symptoms Respiratory 50 (47.6%) 52 (56.5%) 0.25 0.64 [0.36–1.14] 0.13
Gastrointestinal 13 (12.4%) 10 (10.9%) 0.83 1.42 [0.57–3.56] 0.45
Systemic 22 (21.0%) 11 (12.0%) 0.12 2.05 [0.91–4.59] 0.08
Unspecific/mild 18 (17.1%) 14 (15.2%) 0.85 1.18 [0.54–2.57] 0.68
Asymptomatic 2 (1.9%) 5 (5.4%) 0.25 0.27 [0.05–1.50] 0.14
Outcome Death 6 (5.7%) 7 (7.6%) 0.77 0.45 [0.13–1.53] 0.20
Hospitalization 18 (17.1%) 25 (27.2%) 0.12 0.41 [0.20–0.86] 0.018

Values are mean ± SD or n (%), significant data are bold‐typed. Between‐group comparisons of clinical features, pattern of symptoms, and outcomes were performed using the unpaired Student’s t test whereas categorical variables were analyzed by the Fisher’s exact test.


Given the significant between‐group age difference (Supporting Information Table S2), age‐adjusted ORs.


were used to further explore these comparisons (an independent model for each variable/outcome).