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. 2020 Jun 18;369:m1822. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m1822

Table 1.

Components of the computerised decision support tool for comprehensive drug review in people with polypharmacy for chronic diseases

Components Data sources
Check of indications for current drugs Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines and evidence summary collection13
Measurement results (laboratory, anthropometric) with alerts Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines13 and consensus of EBMeDS clinical editorial team14
Recommendations about amending current drugs based on best available evidence EBMeDS evidence based rules and reminders.15 Systematic reviews on drugs commonly prescribed to older people6 16-21
EU(7)-PIM list22
Dosage adjustment in renal malfunction RENBASE database23
Potentially harmful drug-drug interactions INXBASE database24
Contraindications Pharmacological literature and summary of medicinal product characteristics by European Medicines Agency25
Dose warnings Pharmacological literature and product summaries approved by regulatory authorities
Possible adverse drug reactions (risk of bleeding, renal toxicity, risk of seizures, anticholinergic effects, constipation, orthostatism, QT prolongation, sedation, serotonergic effect) RISKBASE database26

EbMeDS=evidence based medicine electronic decision support; EU(7)-PIM=European Union (7)-potentially inappropriate medications.