Table 1.
Components | Data sources |
Check of indications for current drugs | Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines and evidence summary collection13 |
Measurement results (laboratory, anthropometric) with alerts | Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines13 and consensus of EBMeDS clinical editorial team14 |
Recommendations about amending current drugs based on best available evidence | EBMeDS evidence based rules and reminders.15 Systematic reviews on drugs commonly prescribed to older people6
EU(7)-PIM list22 |
Dosage adjustment in renal malfunction | RENBASE database23 |
Potentially harmful drug-drug interactions | INXBASE database24 |
Contraindications | Pharmacological literature and summary of medicinal product characteristics by European Medicines Agency25 |
Dose warnings | Pharmacological literature and product summaries approved by regulatory authorities |
Possible adverse drug reactions (risk of bleeding, renal toxicity, risk of seizures, anticholinergic effects, constipation, orthostatism, QT prolongation, sedation, serotonergic effect) | RISKBASE database26 |
EbMeDS=evidence based medicine electronic decision support; EU(7)-PIM=European Union (7)-potentially inappropriate medications.