Table 1.
Advantages |
The close proximity of the biceps tendon to the rotator cuff tear simplifies transfer and incorporation of the biceps tendon into the rotator cuff repair. |
The donor-site morbidity associated with TFL autograft is avoided. |
The operative time for bio-SCR technique is decreased compared with other SCR techniques. |
The technique potentially provides an effective downward vector to aid in reducing superior head migration. |
The technique is much less technically demanding and less expensive than allograft SCR. |
The biceps tendon blood supply is not compromised and remains abundant in tenocytes and fibroblasts, thus likely improving the healing potential of the rotator cuff repair. |
The technique obviates harvesting remote autograft tissue or using allograft tissue. |
Disadvantages |
The technique cannot be used if the LHBT is ruptured or very severely damaged. |
The effects, if any, related to local biceps symptoms or biceps function have not been fully elucidated to date. |
bio-SCR, biological superior capsular reconstruction; LHBT, long head of biceps tendon; SCR, superior capsular reconstruction; TFL, tensor fascia lata.