A. Two examples of intracellular-labeled (neurobiotin, NB,
green) motoneurons, coupled with ISH revelation of Chodl RNA (Chodl, red). In
each experiment, a single MN was type-identified, labelled with an intracellular
dye (NB), in order to recognize it among all the other MNs; and in situ
hybridization against Chodl mARN was performed after fixation and slicing of the
spinal cord. Left panel: Chodl− small FR motoneuron; Right panel: Chodl+
FF motoneuron. Scale bars: 15 μm. B. Contractile properties
of the motor units tested for Chodl expression. The motoneurons indicated with
arrows correspond to the two cells in D. Red circles are the motoneurons that
expressed Chodl, while green squares are those that did not. The dashed lines at
8 mN and 20 ms separate the different types of MUs, and the dash-dotted line at
1.3 mN separates large from small MUs. C. Comparison of the average
twitch amplitude of motor units split according to their expression of Chodl.
D. Comparison of the proportion of cells expressing Chodl in
the population of tested cells, split in two categories, large and small.
Adapted from [22], licensed under