Table 1.
Trials that included subjective social isolation as outcome
Main author, sample and setting | Intervention categorisation | Intervention name and duration | Follow-up | Social isolation and other outcome measures | Subjective social isolation outcomes |
Group-based intervention | |||||
Hasson-Ohayon [42]—210 adults with severe mental illness Psychiatric community rehabilitation centre in Israel (secondary care setting) |
Psychoeducation, social skills training |
Illness Management and Recovery Programme vs. treatment-as-usual control group Duration: 8 months |
End-of-treatment follow-up (8 months) |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) [57] Other outcome: personal recovery |
No significant changes in perceived social support for either group. p > 0.05a |
Silverman [43]—96 adults with varied Axis I diagnoses Acute care psychiatric unit in a University hospital, the Midwestern region in the US (secondary care setting) |
Psychoeducation |
Live educational music therapy (condition A), recorded educational music therapy (condition B), education without music (condition C), recreational music therapy without education (condition D) Duration: 24 weeks |
End-of-treatment follow-up (24 weeks) | Subjective social isolation outcome: the MSPSS [57] |
No significant between-group difference in total perceived social support for condition A vs. B, condition A and B vs. condition C, as well as for condition A and B vs. D (all p > 0.05) (F (3.87) = 1.50, p = 0.22) Partial effect size = 0.028 for support from significant other, 0.015 for support from family, 0.094 for support from friends, and 0.049 for total support Only a significant between-group difference between condition A vs. D on a friend subscale, 95% CI (0.47, 10.40), adjusted p = 0.02, mean difference = 5.34 |
Boevink [44] - 163 adults with mental illness Mental health care organisations (community treatment team and sheltered housing organisations) in the Netherlands (secondary care setting) |
Supported socialisation |
Toward Recovery, Empowerment and Experiential Expertise (TREE) + care-as-usual vs. care-as-usual control group Duration: 104 weeks for early starters and 52 weeks for late starters |
1 medium-term follow-up: 12 months (post-baseline) 1 long-term follow-up: 24 months (post-baseline) |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the De Jong-Gierveld Loneliness Scale [58] Other outcomes: quality of Life; psychiatric symptoms |
No between-group difference in loneliness, 95% CI (− 0.31, 0.30) (effect size linear tread B = − 0.053, p = 0.98), standardised effect size was − 0.001 for each year of exposure to TREE programme |
Eggert [45]—105 high school students with poor grades (moderate or severe depression) 5 urban high schools in the US (general population setting) |
Supported socialisation, social skills training and wider community approaches |
Assessment protocol plus 1-semester Personal Growth Class (PGCI) vs. Assessment protocol plus a 2-semester Personal Growth Class (PGCII) vs. an assessment protocol-only Duration: 5 months or 90 class days in length for PGCI, and 10 months or 190 class days in length for PGCII |
2 medium-term follow-ups: 5 and 10 months (post-baseline) |
Subjective social isolation outcomes: perceived social support was measured by calculating average ratings across 6 network support sources. Instrumental and expressive support provided by each network support source (e.g. family, friends) was also rated on a scale Other outcome: depressive symptoms |
All 3 groups showed increased network social support F linear (1,100) = 32.08, p < 0.001 No significant between-group difference between all groups F linear (1,100) = 1.98, p = 0.143 |
Individual-based intervention | |||||
Zang [46]—30 adults aged 28–80 with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Beichuan County in China (general population setting) |
Changing cognitions |
Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) vs. Narrative Exposure Therapy Revised (NET-R) vs. waiting-list control group Duration: 2 weeks for NET and 1 week for NET-R group |
End-of-treatment follow-up (2 weeks for NET, 1 week for NET-R) 2 medium-term follow-ups: 1 week (for NET) or 2 weeks (for NET-R), and 3 months |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the MSPSS [57] Other outcomes: anxiety and depressive symptoms; PTSD symptoms |
Both NET and NET-R showed effects on perceived social support after treatment, but no significant between-group difference between the two groups (F (2,26) = 0.14, p > 0.05) No significant between-group difference between either treatment group (NET and NET-R) and the waiting-list control in perceived social support (both p > 0.05) |
Zang [47]—22 adults aged 37–75 with PTSD Beichuan Country in China (general population setting) |
Changing cognitions |
NET intervention vs. waiting-list control group Duration: 2 weeks |
End-of-treatment follow-up (2 weeks) 2 medium-term follow-ups: 2 weeks, and 2 months |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the MSPSS [57] Other outcomes: subjective level of distress; depressive symptoms |
No significant between-group difference in perceived social support (F (1,19) = 4.25, p = 0.05, d = 0.33) |
Gawrysiak [48]—30 adults aged ≥ 18 with depression A public Southeastern University in the US (general population setting) |
Psychoeducation, social skills training and supported socialisation |
Behavioural Activation Treatment for Depression (BATD) vs. no-treatment control group Duration: single session lasted 90 min |
1 medium-term follow-up: 2 weeks |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the MSPSS [57] Other outcomes: depressive symptoms; anxiety symptoms |
No significant between-group difference in perceived social support (F (1,28) = 3.11, p = 0.08, d = 0.70) |
Conoley [49]—57 female psychology undergraduate students with moderate depression University Psychology department in the US (general population setting) |
Changing cognitions |
Reframing vs. self-control vs. waiting-list control group Duration: 2 weeks |
End-of-treatment follow-up (2 weeks) 1 medium-term follow-up: 2 weeks |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the Revised University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale [59]; The Causal Dimension Scale [60] Other outcome: depressive symptoms |
No significant treatment effect was found (F (2,108) = 0.60, p > 0.05b) |
Bjorkman [50]—77 adults aged 19–51 with severe mental illness Case management service in Sweden (secondary care setting) |
Social skills training |
The case management service vs. standard care Duration: unclear |
2 long-term follow-ups: 18 and 36 months |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the abbreviated version of the Interview Schedule for Social Interaction (ISSI) [61] Other outcomes: psychiatric symptoms; quality of life; use of psychiatric services |
No significant between-group difference between two groups in social outcomes (p > 0.05)c |
Mixed-format (group- and individual-based) | |||||
Mendelson [51]—78 depressed women aged 14–41 who were either pregnant or had a child less than 6 months old Home visiting programme in Baltimore City in the US (general population setting) |
Changing cognitions |
Standard home visiting services + The Mother and Babies (MB) course vs. standard home visiting services + information on perinatal depression Duration: 6 weeks |
End-of-treatment follow-up (6 weeks) 2 medium-term follow-ups: 3 and 6 months |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) [62] | No significant between-group difference in perceived social support, β = 6.67, SE = 0.03, p < 0.10d |
Masia-Warner [52]—35 high school students with social anxiety disorder 2 parochial high schools in New York, US (general population setting) |
Psychoeducation/social skills training, supported socialisation and changing cognitions |
Skills for Social and Academic Success vs. waiting-list control group Duration: 3 months |
End-of-treatment follow-up (3 months) 1 medium-term follow-up: 9 months |
Subjective social isolation outcome: Loneliness Scale [63] Other outcomes: anxiety symptoms; social phobic symptoms; depressive symptoms |
No significant treatment effect, effect size = 0.20e, p > 0.05 |
Online intervention | |||||
Kaplan [53]—300 adults with schizophrenia spectrum or affective disorder Online in the US (general population setting) |
Supported socialisation |
Experimental peer support listserv vs. experimental peer support bulletin board vs. waiting-list control group Duration: 12 months |
2 medium-term follow-ups: 4 and 12 months (post-baseline) |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Social Support Survey [64] Other outcomes: personal recovery; quality of life; psychiatric symptoms |
No significant between-group difference on MOS (F (1,298) = 0.08, p = 0.93), also not significant when two experimental groups compared to the control group separately (p > 0.05) |
Rotondi [54]—30 patients aged ≥ 14 with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder In- and out-patient psychiatric care units and psychiatric rehabilitation centres in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (secondary care setting) |
Psychoeducation |
Telehealth intervention vs. usual care group Duration: unclear |
2 medium-term follow-ups: 3 and 6 months (post-baseline) | Subjective social isolation outcome: the informational support and emotional support subscales of the instrument that was developed by Krause and Markides [65] | No significant between-group difference on perceived social support (F (1,27) = 3.79, p = 0.062) |
O’Mahen [55]—83 women aged > 18 with major depressive disorder (MDD) Online in the UK (general population setting) |
Psychoeducation and supported socialisation |
Netmums Helping with Depression (HWD) vs. treatment-as-usual control group Duration: unclear |
End-of-treatment follow-up (unclear) 1 medium-term follow-up: 6 months |
Subjective social isolation outcome: the Social Provision Scale [66] Other outcomes: depressive symptoms; anxiety symptoms |
No significant between-group difference in perceived support between the intervention and control group (95% CI 1.02, − 0.02), medium effect size = 0.50 (p = 0.27) |
Interian [56]—103 veterans with PTSD Online in the US (primary care setting) |
Psychoeducation and changing cognitions |
The Family of Heroes intervention vs. no-treatment control group Duration: unclear |
1 medium-term follow-up: 2 months (post-baseline) | Subjective social isolation outcome: the family subscale of the MSPSS [57] | Intervention group reported a higher chance of having a decreased perceived family support over time than the control group (p = 0.04)f |
aEffect size, confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
bConfidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
cEffect size, confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
dEffect size and confidence interval not available in the paper
eConfidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
fEffect size not available in the paper