a, c, e Chromosome axis (SYCP3) and crossover markers (a) MLH1, (c) CDK2 or (e) HEI10 were detected by immunofluorescence in spreads of mid pachytene spermatocytes. c, e Bottom panels of each genotype show enlarged insets. Bars, 10 µm; in enlarged insets, 5 µm. b Quantification of MLH1 foci in mid/late pachytene spermatocytes. MLH1 was detected by two distinct antibodies raised in mouse and rabbit. Only the axis-associated foci detected by both antibodies were quantified. d Quantification of axis-associated interstitial CDK2 foci in mid pachytene spermatocytes. f Quantification of axis-associated HEI10 foci in mid/late pachytene spermatocytes. Strong foci of HEI10, which are thought to mark crossover-specific recombination complexes, were quantified separately from weak HEI10 foci along the axis. b, d, f
n = numbers of analysed cells from two animals; medians (bars) were compared with Mann–Whitney U test, when possible, and are as follows in wild-type and Prr19−/−: b 21 and 0 MLH1 foci, d 21 and 0 interstitial CDK2 foci (P = 2.59E-15), f 23 and 1 strong HEI10 foci (P = 7.26E-15), 19 and 75 weak HEI10 foci (P = 1.25E-14), respectively. **** indicates P < 0.0001. g DNA was labelled with Hoechst 33342 in spread diakinesis/metaphase I spermatocytes. Arrow indicates univalent in Prr19−/− cell. Bars, 20 µm. h Quantification of bivalents in spread diakinesis/metaphase I spermatocytes from mice of indicated genotypes. n = numbers of analysed cells from three (wild-type and Prr19−/−) or two (Mlh1Lisk/Lisk and Prr19−/−
Mlh1Lisk/Lisk) mice; medians (bars) are indicated. Median bivalent numbers are as follows: 20 in wild-type, 3 in Prr19−/−, 2 in Mlh1Lisk/Lisk and Prr19−/−
Mlh1Lisk/Lisk. Results of Mann–Whitney U test are shown. **** indicates P < 2.2E-16 between wild-type and Prr19−/−, ns indicates no significance between Prr19−/− and Mlh1Lisk/Lisk (P = 0.0636), between Prr19−/− and Prr19−/−
Mlh1Lisk/Lisk (P = 0.0763) and between Mlh1Lisk/Lisk and Prr19−/−
Mlh1Lisk/Lisk (P = 0.9966). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.