Fig. 7. PRR19 forms a complex with cyclin-like CNTD1.
a, b, e Immunofluorescence staining of surface-spread mid/late pachytene spermatocytes. b Bottom panels show enlarged insets. a, b, e Bars, 10 µm, or (bottom panel, b) 5 µm. c Quantification of co-localisation between CNTD1 and PRR19 foci on the chromosome axis in mid/late pachytene wild-type spermatocytes, medians (bars) are 96.4% (blue data set) and 95.7% (red data set). d Quantification of axis-associated CNTD1 focus numbers in wild-type and Prr19−/− mid/late pachytene spermatocytes. Medians (bars) are 24 and 3 in Prr19+/+ and Prr19−/−, respectively. Mann–Whitney U test, P < 2.2E-16 (****). c, d n = numbers of analysed cells from two animals. f, h Immunoblots of immunoprecipitation experiments from testis extracts of (f) 13-days-old or (h) adult mice. Arrowheads mark bands of indicated proteins. Asterisks mark unspecific protein bands. Molecular weights are indicated. f, upper panel: PRR19 was detected in immunoprecipitates (IP) of guinea pig anti-PRR19 antibodies to assess PRR19 levels without interference from unspecific immunoblot signals that are present in total extracts. f, two middle panels: CNTD1 in anti-PRR19 IPs and corresponding input samples. f, bottom panel, anti-α-tubulin used as loading control. h Images show input for immunoprecipitation, immunoprecipitates (IP) of guinea pig anti-PRR19 (Gp-PRR19), anti-CNTD1 (Gp-CNTD1) and non-specific (Gp–IgG) antibodies. g Immunoblot signals of PRR19 (from anti-PRR19 IPs) or CNTD1 (from testis extracts) in the indicated genotypes were normalised against corresponding immunoblot signals of wild-type littermate controls. Two-tailed one-sample t test calculated significance of difference between the wild-type value of one and means of six experiments (bars) for PRR19, 0.05 (P = 3.63E-09), 0.19 (P = 2.17E-06) and 0.19 (P = 3.52E-07), and CNTD1, 0.34 (P = 6.82E-05), 0.03 (P = 5.42E-09) and 0.33 (P = 9.27E-05), in Prr19−/−, Cntd1−/− and Cntd1Q/Q samples, respectively. **** indicate P < 0.0001. i Yeast two-hybrid interaction assays between indicated proteins. CNTD1Q refers to the protein product of Cntd1Q allele (see Supplementary Fig. 3). Yeast cultures are shown after 2 or 3 days of growth on dropout plates. For negative control, proteins of interest were tested in transformations where either the Gal4-binding domain (Gal4-BD) or the Gal4-activation domain (Gal4-AD) vectors were empty. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.