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. 2020 Jun 18;23(6):e25490. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25490

Table 2.

Observational studies of circumcision and HIV prevalence in men in communities with substantial circumcision scale‐up

Study (first author publication year) Setting and location Period HIV prevalence – % (n/N) Prevalence ratio (95% CI) Notes
Auvert 2013 [33] Orange Farm, South Africa


Oct‐2007 –



Oct‐2010 –



Circ. 7.2% (15/208)

Not circ. 17.2% (96/558)


Circ. 6.6%(117/1771)

Not circ. 18.6%(295/1567)

Both survey rounds

Circ. 6.7% (132/1979)

Not circ. 18.4% (391/2125)


Crude 0.42 (0.25‐0.71) a

Adj. 0.45 (0.26‐0.79) b


Crude 0.35 (0.29‐0.43) a

Adj. 0.49 (0.38‐0.62) c


Crude 0.36 (0.30‐0.44)

Adj. 0.48 (0.39‐0.60)

Baseline HIV prevalence from subset of 766 men (27% circumcised) ages 22 to 34 years (Lissouba 2011 [33]).

Circumcision prevalence in men ages 15‐49 years increased from 17% (329/1988) at baseline to 53% (1771/3338) at follow‐up survey.

ART use in HIV‐positive men increased from 13% (38/288) at baseline to 26% (109/412) at follow‐up survey.

Kagaayi 2019 [37] Fishing Communities, Lake Victoria, Uganda Five survey rounds from Dec‐2011 to Dec‐2016

2011 survey:

Circ. 25% (173/698)

Not circ. 39% (518/1313)

2012 survey:

Circ. 25% (218/883)

Not circ.40% (499/1243)

2013 survey:

Circ. 25% (264/1075)

Not circ 41% (402/988)

2015 survey:

Circ 24% (304/1249)

Not circ.42% (383/905)

2016 survey:

Circ. 25% (409/1630)

Not circ. 44% (391/894)

All survey rounds

Circ. 25% (1368/5535)

Not circ. 41% (2193/5344)


Crude 0.63 (0.54‐0.73) a

Adj. Not reported


Crude 0.61 (0.54‐0.70) a

Adj. Not reported


Crude 0.60 (0.53‐0.69) a

Adj. Not reported


Crude 0.58 (0.51‐0.65) a

Adj. Not reported


Crude 0.58 (0.51‐0.64) a

Adj. Not reported


Crude 0.60 (0.57 to 0.64) a

Pooled 0.60 (0.56 to 0.63) d

Adj. 0.67 (0.62 to 0.73) e

Circumcision and ART prevalence by survey round
Survey Circumcision ART women ART men
2011 35% (698/2011) 18% (164/907) 13% (90/691)
2012 42% (883/2126) 31% (259/844) 18% (127/717)
2013 52% (1075/2063) 49% (417/856) 34% (228/666)
2015 58% (1249/2154) 72% (648/900) 56% (382/687)
2016 65% (1630/2525) 85% (797/940) 78% (623/799)

Circ. 20% (1485/7306)

Not circ.36% (2487/6910)

Crude 0.58 (0.55 to 0.61)

Adj. 0.65 (0.60 to 0.70) f

Absolute difference g :

148 fewer (from 134 to 162 fewer) per 1000 men

Heterogeneity statistics:

I 2 = 82.3%, χ2 (1) = 5.65, p = 0.017

Percent (number with infection/ Number tested)


Computed from reported number of infections and number tested


Adjusted for age, ethnic group, marital status, number of lifetime sexual partners, number of sexual partners in the past 12 months, consistent condom use with non‐spousal partners and HSV‐2 status using Poisson regression model


Adjusted for age group


Weighted average over all 5 survey rounds. Heterogeneity: I 2 = 0.0%, χ2 (4) = 1.45, p = 0.83


Adjusted for demographics (gender, age, marital status, education) and sexual behaviours (number of sexual partners in the previous 12 months, sex with partners outside the community of residence, sex with non‐marital partners, condom use and self‐reported genital ulceration)


Weighted average of log adjusted prevalence ratios with weights inversely proportional to variance back‐transformed to ratio scale


Computed from pooled adjusted prevalence ratio, confidence interval and prevalence in uncircumcised men.