Tolerance (toxicities are evaluated according to NCI-CTCAE version 4.03 published 14 June 2010).
Post-operative mortality defined as any death within 90 days after surgery or within the hospital stay. |
Post-operative morbidity defined as the percentages of grade I/II/II/IV/V complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification within the 90 days after surgery or within the hospital stay. |
Post-hepatectomy liver failure defined according to the “50–50” criteria (Balzan, Ann Surg 2005) or peak bilirubin > 7 mg/dL (Mullen, J Am Coll Surg 2007).
Rate of non-resectability due to insufficient FLR defined as the percentage of patients for whom resection will be not attempted due to insufficient FLR. |
Rate of non-resectability due to tumor progression defined as the percentage of patients for whom resection will not be attempted due to tumor progression. |
Rate of per-operative difficulties defined as the percentage of patients for whom per-operative difficulties are encountered by the surgeon (especially adhesions and challenging pedicular dissection or any other unscheduled surgical difficulties). |
Blood loss, operating time, transfusions. Blood loss (in mL), operating time (in minutes), transfusions (number of packed red blood cells) will be recorded. |
R0 resection rate defined as no microscopic tumor residual. |
Pre- and post-operative liver volumes: This will be evaluated through CT or MRI acquisitions by calculating whole liver, tumor and FRL volumes at week 2, 3 then every 2 weeks until surgery or week #7, and 4 weeks after surgery (central review). |
Overall survival defined as the time from date of randomization to date of death from any cause. Patients alive will be censored at the date of last news. |