Three emergent levels in the evolution of consciousness, and the new features at each level (adapted from Feinberg and Mallatt, 2019).
Level 1. Life |
A. Simplest system that has life is the cell, with bacteria and archaea being the simplest cells |
B. First appearance: ∼3.7 billion years ago |
C. Emergent structures: macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, lipids), organelles, cells |
D. Emergent processes: |
∙ The strong boundary condition of embodiment: semipermeable membrane encloses cell contents to concentrate the chemical reactions and keep the reaction products from diffusing away (Morowitz, 2002) |
∙ Information-based organization, directed by DNA/genes, and coded to specify the chemical reactions; the gene-coded “purpose” of Mayr (2004) |
∙ Metabolism, to convert food to energy (ATP) and make new cellular materials; efficient use of energy and of vital molecules slows entropy (energy waste lost as heat) |
∙ Self-upkeep and goal-directed properties (Mayr, 2004; Godfrey-Smith, 2019) |
∙ Growth and self-replication/reproduction |
∙ Sensitivity and movement |
∙ Homeostasis: maintaining a constant internal environment in response to changes in the external environment |
∙ Adaptation to the environment |
∙ Evolution; natural selection becomes the pruning process that limits the possibilites of evolutionary change and of what features emerge in the system from this level onward (Morowitz, 2002) |
E. Adaptive advantage of this emergence: world’s first self-perpetuation of complex systems over time |
Level 2. Nervous systems, From Reflexes Through the Level of Simple, Core Brains (Not Conscious) |
A. Organisms possessing it: most invertebrate animals; for example, most worms |
B. First appearance: ∼ 580 million years ago |
C. Emergent structures: multicellular animal body with different cell types including neurons, neural reflex arcs, sensory receptors, motor effectors (muscles, glands); nerve nets, then a consolidation into central and peripheral nervous system; some of the animals have a simple brain with movement-patterning circuits; the sensory receptors are mechano-, chemo- and photoreceptor cells |
D. Emergent processes: |
∙ Speed: neurons transmit signals fast enough to control the actions of a large, multicellular body in response to sensory stimuli |
∙ Connectivity: reflex arcs and neuron networks coordinate all the parts of a large body |
∙ Core-brain processes: |
∘ Control complex reflexes for inner-body homeostasis |
∘ Basic motor programs and central pattern generators for rhythmic locomotion, feeding, and other stereotyped movements |
∘ Set the level of arousal |
E. Adaptive advantages of this emergence: Sustains a large body that can move far through the environment, following sensory stimuli to find food, safety, and mates |
Level 3. Consciousness |
A. Organisms possessing it: vertebrates, arthropods, cephalopod molluscs |
B. First appearance: 560–520 million years ago |
C and D. Emergent structures and processes: the special neurobiological features of consciousness: |
∙ Neural complexity (more than exists in a simple, core brain) |
∘ Brain with many neurons (>100,000?) |
∘ Many subtypes of neurons |
∙ Elaborated sensory organs |
∘ Image-forming eyes, receptor organs for touch, hearing, smell |
∙ Neural hierarchies with neuron-neuron interactions |
∘ Extensive reciprocal communication in and between the pathways for the different senses |
∘ Brain has many neural computing modules and networks that are distributed but integrated (separate but highly interconnected), leading to local functional specialization plus global coherence (Nunez, 2016; Mogensen and Overgaard, 2017) (see Figure 3) |
∘ Synchronized communication by brain-wave oscillations; neural spike trains form representational codes |
∘ The higher levels allow the complex processing and unity of consciousness |
∘ Higher brain levels exert more influence on the lower levels such as motor neurons, for increased top-down causality |
∘ Hierarchies that let consciousness model events a fraction of a second in advance (Clark, 2013; Gershman et al., 2015; Jylkkä and Railo, 2019; Solms, 2019) |
∙ Pathways that create mapped mental images or affective states |
∘ Neurons are arranged in topographic sensory maps of the outside world and body structures |
∘ Valence coding of good and bad, for affective states |
∘ Feed into premotor brain regions to motivate, choose, and guide movements in space |
∙ Brain mechanisms for selective attention and arousal |
∙ Memory, short-term or longer |
E. Adaptive advantages of this emergence: |
∙ Consciousness organizes large amounts of sensory information into a detailed, unified simulation of the world, so the subject can choose the best behavioral responses |
∘ This is a large, effective, expansion of the basic life-property of sensing the environment and responding |
∙ With mental maps, one can navigate through space even when no sensory stimuli for guidance are present |
∙ Consciousness ranks all the sensed stimuli by importance, by assigning affects to them (good, bad), thereby simplifying decisions on how to respond (Cabanac, 1996) |
∙ Consciousness provides behavioral flexibility: adjusts fast to new stimuli so it deals well with the changing challenges of new environments |