Figure 1.
(A) B-cell recovery and granulocyte dynamics. Flow cytometric quantitation of circulating B cells and granulocytes was performed in 24 patients with mantle cell lymphoma. Between 3 and 9 months after treatment, the change (Δ) in B cells inversely correlated with the change in granulocytes, indicating that rapid B-cell recovery is associated with a fall in circulating granulocytes (R = −0.53; P = .04). (●) Designates the two patients with late-onset neutropenia. (B) SDF-1 kinetics and B-cell recovery. The kinetics of circulating SDF-1 following DA-EPOCH-R in 19 mantle cell patients are shown. Between 3 and 9 months after treatment, the change (Δ) in B cells inversely correlated with a reduction in circulating SDF-1 levels, indicating that SDF-1 levels decline as B cells recover (R = −0.67; P = .013). (●) Designates the 2 patients with late-onset neutropenia.