Fig. 2. Homozygous MlklD139V neonates exhibit dispersed upper body inflammation.
a Macroscopic appearance of MlklWt/Wt, MlklWt/D139V and MlklD139V/D139V mice at postnatal day 3. b Coronal section of mouth and neck region of postnatal day 2 litter mates stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Dilated blood vessels and edema are indicated by arrows. c Serial mandible sections from postnatal day 3 litter mates stained with H&E and anti-CD45. Inset black boxes are magnified in right panel. SL, sublingual gland. SM, submandibular gland. Images representative of n = 3–4 P3 pups per genotype. d H&E stained sections from mediastinum of postnatal day 2 litter mates. Thymic cortical thinning and pericardial infiltration are indicated by arrows. For full anatomical annotations for (b) and (d) see Supplementary Fig. 2h. (b) and (d) representative of n = 5–6 P2 pups examined with similar characteristics. Scale bars for (b–d) range from 50 to 1000 μm as indicated. Multiplex measurement of plasma cytokine levels at E19.5 (e) and postnatal day 3 (f). Each symbol represents one independent pup sampled; MlklWt/Wt – blue circles, MlklWt/D139V- red squares, MlklD139V/D139V- green triangles, with bar height and error bars representing mean ± SD respectively for n = 3–to 19 pups as indicated. *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.005 calculated using an unpaired, two-tailed t-test.