Figure 2.
Assembly Results for HM-276D and HM-277D Datasets
(A) Assembly statistics (N50 length, accuracy, and genome fraction) of each assembler at different coverage depths based on HM-276D dataset. Colors indicate results from different assemblers (see Supplemental Information for details in parameter settings).
(B) Assembly statistics (N50 length, number of contigs, genome fraction, and genome size) of each assembler based on HM-276D sample sequenced by different technologies (Nanopore, PacBio, Illumina). To make fair comparison, each dataset was downsampled to 160× depth of coverage.
(C) Strain-specific assembly performance of each assembler based on HM-277D dataset. Assembly statistics (accuracy and genome fraction) distributions were presented using boxplots with jitter. Radius of each dot indicates the known relative abundance of each bacterial strain from the mock community.