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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Jun 18.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell. 2020 May 12;78(6):1133–1151.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.04.024


Mouse monoclonal anti-KAP1 Abcam Cat# Ab22553; RRID: AB_447151; lot #GR229743-12
hFAB Rhodamine anti-Actin Bio-Rad Cat# 12004166
Rabbit polyclonal anti-RPB3 (RNA Pol II) MilliporeSigma Cat# ABE999; lot #Q2550840
Rat monoclonal anti-RNA Pol II CTD phospho Ser5 Active Motif Cat# 61085; lot #20017002; RRID: AB_2687451
Rat monoclonal anti-RNA Pol II CTD phospho Ser2 MillliporeSigma Cat# 04-1571; lot # 2724427; RRID: AB_10627998
Rabbit polyclonal anti-CDK9 (C-20) Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# Sc-484; lot # B2605; RRID: AB_2275986
Rabbit monoclonal anti-CDK9 Abcam Cat# ab236045; lot # GR3235366-1
Mouse monoclonal anti-RNA Pol II (4H8) Active Motif Cat# 39097; RRID: AB_2732926
Rabbit polyclonal anti-SMAD2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# PA5-29237; lot #UD2753805A RRID: AB_2546713
Mouse monoclonal anti-FLAG M2 MilliporeSigma Cat# F3165; lot #SLBT6752 RRID: AB_259529
Rabbit monoclonal anti-pSMAD2 Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 8828; lot #7; RRID: AB_2631089
Rabbit polyclonal anti-GST MilliporeSigma Cat# G7781; lot #108M4775V; RRID: AB_259965
Rabbit polyclonal anti-H3 Abcam Cat# ab1791; lot #940378; RRID: AB_302613
Rabbit polyclonal anti-H4 Abcam Cat# ab7311; lot #GR325224-4; RRID: AB_305837
Rabbit polyclonal anti-H2A Active Motif Cat# 39209; lot #09617014; RRID: AB_2793184
Rabbit polyclonal anti-H2B Active Motif Cat# 39210; lot #34515005; RRID: AB_2793185
Mouse monoclonal anti-CDK9 (D7) Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-13130; lot #50917; RRID: AB_627245
Mouse monoclonal anti-NELFE Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-377052; lot #L0117
Rabbit polyclonal anti-H4K16ac Active Motif Cat #39068
Monoclonal anti-Strep-HRP MilliporeSigma Cat# 71591; lot #3150780; RRID: AB_11214448
Anti-mouse-HRP Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 7076; lot #33; RRID: AB_330924
Anti-rabbit-HRP Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 7074; lot #27; RRID: AB_2099233
Anti-mouse-HRP Rockland Cat# 18-8817-33 RRID: AB_2610851
Anti-rabbit-HRP Rockland Cat# 18-8816-33 RRID: AB_2610848
Anti-mouse-Starbright Blue 700 Bio-Rad Cat# 12004159
Anti-rabbit-Starbright Blue 700 Bio-Rad Cat# 12004162
Anti-H2Av Active Motif Cat# 61686
Bacterial and Virus Strains
E. coli BL21 DE3 NEB Cat# C2527I
E. coli DH5α NEB Cat# C2987I
E. coli XL-10 Gold Agilent Cat# 200522 (as part of the QuickChange II XL site-directed mutagenesis kit)
Biological Samples
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
DMEM HyClone Cat# SH30022.FS
FBS MilliporeSigma Cat# 9268
Penicillin/Streptomycin MP Biomedicals Cat# 091670049
Tween-20 Fisher Chemical Cat# BP337-500
Non-fat Dry Milk LabScientific Cat# M0841
0.45 μM Nitrocellulose Membrane Bio-Rad Cat# 1620115
BsmB1 NEB Cat# R0580
Quick Ligase NEB Cat# M2200
Polybrene (Hexadimethrine Bromide) MilliporeSigma Cat# H9268
4-thio-uridine (4sU) MilliporeSigma Cat# T4509
Biotin-HPDP Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 21341
TRizol Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15596026
DNase NEB Cat# M0303
Acid:Phenol:Chloroform Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# AM9720
Chloroform Fisher Scientific Cat# C606SK-1
Dimethylformamide Acros Organics Cat# 279600010
Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin T1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 65601
Polyvinylpyrrolidone Fisher Scientific Cat# BP431
ERCC spike-ins Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 4456740
Methanol-free formaldehyde Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 28908
Protease Inhibitor Tablets MilliporeSigma Cat# 4693159001
Protein G Dynabeads Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10003D
Drosophila Spike-in Chromatin Active Motif Cat# 53083
Proteinase K MilliporeSigma Cat# 3115879001
SYBR Green Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 4385612
Doxycycline Hydrochloride Fisher Scientific Cat# BP2653-1
Flavopiridol MilliporeSigma Cat# F3055
Clarity Western ECL Substrate Bio-Rad Cat# 1705061
DMSO Acros Organics Cat# 61042-0010
Micrococcal Nuclease NEB Cat# M0247S
PolyJet SignaGen Cat# SL100688
StrepTactin Agarose IBA Life Sciences Cat# 2-1201-010
10X Strep Elution Buffer with Desthiobiotin IBA Life Sciences Cat# 2-1000-025
Anti-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel Millipore Sigma Cat# A2220
3X FLAG Peptide Millipore Sigma Cat# F4799
27-gauge needle BD Biosciences Cat# 305109
Trypan blue stain Corning Cat# 25-900-CI
Super Signal West Femto Luminol Enhancer Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 185022
Opti-MEM Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 31985062
RNAi Max Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 13778030
Trypsin/EDTA Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# R001100
Trypsin Neutralizing Agent Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# R002100
TGFβ-1 PeproTech Cat# 100-21 Lot #0218209-3 B1918
CutSmart Buffer NEB Cat# B7204S
Calf Intestinal alkaline phosphatase NEB Cat# M0290
Paraformaldehyde MilliporeSigma Cat# P6148
GST Agarose MilliporeSigma Cat# G4510
L-Glutathione Reduced MilliporeSigma Cat# G4251
Thrombin MP Biomedicals Cat# 0219492182
Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human Biotinylated EpiCypher Cat# 16-0006
Histone H4 N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0029
Histone H3 N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–20) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0001
Histone H2A N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–17) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0012
Histone H2B N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–24) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0077
Histone H4K5ac peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0030
Histone H4K8ac peptide, biotinylated(1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0031
Histone H4K12ac peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0032
Histone H4K16ac peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0033
Histone H4Kac(4) peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0103
Histone H4R3me1 peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12–0111
Histone H4R3me2(s) peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0059
Histone H4R3me2(a) peptide, biotinylated (1–23) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0058
Histone H4 N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (11–27) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0035
Histone H4K20me1 peptide, biotinylated (11–27) EpiCypher Cat# 12–0036
Histone H4K20me2 peptide, biotinylated (11–27) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0037
Histone H4K20me3 peptide, biotinylated (11–27) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0038
Histone H3 N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–30) GenScript Custom
Histone H3K23ac N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–30) GenScript Custom
Histone H3 N-terminal peptide, biotinylated (1–20) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0001
Histone H3K9me3 peptide, biotinylated (1–20) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0012
Histone H3K18ac Peptide, biotinylated (1–20) EpiCypher Cat# 12-0005
Critical Commercial Assays
Plasmid MiniPrep Kit Qiagen Cat# 27104
Zymo RNA Clean and Concentrator Kit Zymo Research Cat# R1013
Qubit RNA HS Assay Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# Q32852
Tapestation RNA ScreenTape Agilent Cat# 5067-5576
KAPA Stranded RNA-seq kit with RiboErase KAPA Biosystems Cat# KK8483
Tapestation DNA ScreenTape Agilent 5067-5582
Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# Q32851
KAPA Hyper Prep Kit KAPA Biosystems KK8502
Zymo Quick-RNA MiniPrep Kit Zymo Research R1055
Zymo Quick DNA Clean & Concentrator Kit Zymo Research D5201
Quick Ligase Kit NEB Cat# M2200L
M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase and buffer NEB Cat# M02553L
Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 23225
Quick Change II Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit Agilent Cat# 3200522
Deposited Data
Raw and analyzed NGS Data This paper GEO: GSE132705
HEXIM and LARP7 ChIP-seq datasets McNamara et al., 2016 GEO: GSE72622
Source data for western blots This paper Mendeley:
KAP1-PHD-BD (apo) structure Zeng et al., 2008 PDB: 2RO1
Chemical shift assignments for KAP1-PHD-BD Zheng et al., 2008 BMRB ID: 11036
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
HEK293T ATCC CRL-11268
HCT116 Ctrl Laboratory of Iván D’Orso Created in this study
HCT116 KAP1 KO1 Laboratory of Iván D’Orso Created in this study
HCT116 KAP1 KO2 Laboratory of Iván D’Orso Created in this study
293 T-REx KAP1:S Laboratory of Iván D’Orso Created in this study
HCT116 shNT Laboratory of Iván D’Orso (McNamara, et al., 2016)
HCT116 shKAP1 Laboratory of Iván D’Orso (McNamara, et al., 2016)
HCEC 1CT Laboratory of Jerry Shay (Roig et al., 2010)
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
See Table S1 for all DNA oligonucleotide sequences used for RT-qPCR analysis and cloning
Illumina Adapters and Indexed Primers NEB Cat# E7335L
siKAP1_1 targeting KAP1’s CDS Qiagen Cat# SI03171903
siKAP1_2 targeting KAP1’s 3’UTR Qiagen Cat# SI05121214
siRNA targeting SMAD2: GAACAAACCAGGUCUCUUG Dharmacon Cat# D-003561-01
siRNA targeting SMAD2: GCAGAACUAUCUCCUACUA Dharmacon Cat# D-003561-02
siRNA targeting SMAD2: GAAGAGGAGUGCGCUUAUA Dharmacon Cat# D-003561-03
siRNA targeting SMAD2: GGUGUUCGAUAGCAUAUUA Dharmacon Cat# D-003561-04
Recombinant DNA
Plasmid: LentiCRISPRv2 Addgene Cat# 52961
Plasmid: pSPAX Addgene Cat# 12260
Plasmid: pMD2.G Addgene Cat# 12259
Plasmid: LentiCRISPRv2-KAP1-gRNA1 This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: LentiCRISPRv2-KAP1-gRNA2 This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pLKO.1/Doxycycline Inducible Addgene Cat# 21915
Plasmid: pLKO.1/Doxycycline Inducible-shNT Addgene Cat# 47541
Plasmid: pLKO.1/Doxycycline Inducible-shCDK9 This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO Thermo Fisher Scientific V102020
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/Strep/FLAG-GFP McNamara et al., 2016 N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/Strep-KAP1 McNamara et al., 2016 N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-SMAD2 This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pGEX2T-GST GE Life Sciences Cat# 28954653
Plasmid: pGEX2T/-GST-KAP1-PHD-BD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pGEX2T-GST-KAP1-PHD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pGEX2T-GST-KAP1-PHD-BD-E662/663A This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pGEX2T-GST-KAP1-PHD-BD-L637A This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pGEX2T-GST-TRIM24-PHD-BD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pGEX2T-GST-TRIM33-PHD-BD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1 McNamara et al., 2016 N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1-ΔPHD-BD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1-ΔBD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1-ΔPHD This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1-ΔCC This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1-ΔRB This Paper N.A.
Plasmid: pcDNA4/TO/FLAG-KAP1-ΔRBCC This Paper N.A.
Software and Algorithms
STAR/2.6.1b Dobin et al., 2013
Subread/1.6.1 N.A.
RUVSeq/1.15 Risso et al., 2014
UCSC_userApps/v317 N.A.
Integrated Genome Viewer (IGV) Robinson et al., 2011
deepTools/2.5.0 Ramirez et al., 2016
Java Treeview Saldanha, 2004
Trimgalore v.0.4.1 N.A.
Fastqc/0.11.2 N.A.
Bowtie2/2.1.0 Langmead and Salzberg, 2012
Macs/2.1.0-20151222 Zhang et al., 2008
SAMtools v1.6 Li et al., 2009
R/v3.4.1 N.A.
bamR N.A.
GraphPad Prism v8.1.0 N.A.
GROMACS 5 Abraham, M.J., et al. 2015
AMBER99SB-ILDN Lindorff-Larsen, et al., 2010
UCSF Chimera Pettersen et al., 2004
Detailed scripts and commands used for NGS data analysis in this study N.A.